Whats the best way to blow off steam?

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guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
Hentanize wrote...
Forum Image: http://puu.sh/Ll23


was in a rush to post..due to rage restraints, but yeah my bad :P
Punch yourself in the face repeatedly until you pass out from the pain, once you wake I doubt you’ll be too worried about LOL any more and more on that huge bruise now on your face :D
guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
zzkings wrote...
Punch yourself in the face repeatedly until you pass out from the pain, once you wake I doubt you’ll be too worried about LOL any more and more on that huge bruise now on your face :D

I rather sniff a can of air spray then to damage my face :P
make a smurf account

laugh your way through the next 90 minutes.
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