[Locked] Whelp SSFIV Players...

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sakabato24 World Warrior
nacho wrote...
damn son, didn't I see that stick on some kof stream forever ago? You got rekt, I think. Now you gonna get rekt by madkof even harder.

EVO 2012. Yes, I got wrecked. No, I didn't really play KoF at the time and was practicing SSFIV over KoF. Joined in the KoF bracket just for the awesome-ass shirt. ;D

Damn-nabit boy, I gotz me to pull up dat der archive of dat darn old stream.



Starts @ 1:13:00

Vanilla Sagat? Come @ me, bro.
Shotty Too Hotty wrote...
Cammy's Butt.

Forum Image: http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/090/e/4/Street_Fighter_Cammy_by_kazakami.jpg
Haven't played SSF4 since LoL has given me my competitive gaming fix. Fuck Sakura's Ex tatsu to shinku angled hadoken.

I wonder what they're gonna do with T Hawk...Juri is a getting a buff too? Notchris liiike.
Waar FAKKU Moderator
sakabato24 wrote...
Sorry. I did feel like posting this in the VG forums, but I do feel like this was more of a rant from me than anything else, so I posted it here.

I feel like you should post where it belongs.
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