You realize i'm freak right.

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The next day i was nervous.
I was afraid.
The look in your eyes.
The aura of lust.
I thought i lost you.
I wanted to do so many things..
To you for has long as i could.
I held back from cumming so many times.
If i hold back like that.
The more i do.
The worst it gets.

I thought i was over you.
I still remember your smell.
Your touch.
The way so cradle my sack.
But that now the past.
You ended that pleasure.
When you left me dying on that sidewalk.

I'm a new man.
I lost my purity.
My sense of reason.
I don't trust anyone as much.
You broke me.
Made me bitter.
Insanely normal.
I still have a knife with your name on it.
I put it in it's sheath soon.

I lost my way.
I should let it be done.
Forgive and forget.
Release that hate, that anger.
I can forgive your thoughts.
I can forgive your emotions.
I never forgive that look on your face.
That disgust, that embarrassment.
Of a man slipping away.
A man slowly becoming a fish.
Flopping on the ground.
I should of died, but my hate keeps me warm.
Keeps me living.
I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die
I don't wanna die so you're gonna have to
Blood is getting hotter, body's getting colder
I told you once I'm the only one who holds her

I look inside of myself and try to find someone else
Someone who's willin' to die as to watch you crying for help
I know that blood will be spilled and if you won't then I will
My grave will never be filled it's either kill or be killed
So let heaven be told that some may come some may go
Where I'll end up I don't know but I ain't dyin' alone
I keep on asking the question can I be saved by confession
You see this blood on my hands at least they're still reachin' to heaven
I got to pick up the pieces I gotta bury 'em deep
And when you look in my eyes I'll be the last thing you'll see

Words turn into blood and the blood keeps on pourin'
From every pour I wipe it off 'cause this just could be the moment
Now someones gotta die and I'm my only opponent
Cause I won't watch my baby cry so I keep on just goin'
Am I a man or a beast it's mother nature at least
Watch humanity cease cause it's our human disease
You gotta kill when you gotta kill yeah that's what they say
And I can't go against God's will you better pray
Cause I'm an angel a demon yeah I'm hell and I'm heaven
I'm everything you couldn't be now you believe in the devil
I gotta Pick up the pieces I gotta bury them deep
And when the dirt hits the coffin just go to sleep

Now that I see...
I see you buried
Six feet Below

Another life goes into the night,
I couldn't let 'em breathe 'cause I didn't wanna die

Now that I see...
I see you buried
Six Feet Below

It's not alright can you hear me as i cry
I couldn't let you live 'cause I didn't wanna die

I don't wanna die so you're gonna have to
I don't wanna die by Hollywood undead off their new album. Which i like SCAVA and Bullet.
animefreak_usa wrote...
I don't wanna die by Hollywood undead off their new album. Which i like SCAVA and Bullet.

Yep. I fixed the lyrics to look a bit more clean and awesome :D

I do enjoy the redux album. some decent remixes :D

I quite enjoy swan songs and american tragedy. both awesome albums too
wow, that was... erotic.

Please do more.
It's like I've seen this somewhere before.
Kouki wrote...
It's like I've seen this somewhere before.

I like bumping my horrible insane rants in poem form.
Nah, you are perfectly normal. You are just clinically stupid.
Clinically stupid? Hmm something doesn't seem correct with this statement. Clinically retarded seem more a correct choice since stupidity isn't a illness or disease nor can one be diagnosed stupid... quite.
animefreak_usa wrote...
Clinically stupid? Hmm something doesn't seem correct with this statement. Clinically retarded seem more a correct choice since stupidity isn't a illness or disease nor can one be diagnosed stupid... quite.

When I am king of the world this will be possible.
I hear the beats.
I hear the tick tock of your beating heart.
Fast and slow.
Repeating the same rhythm of anticipation.
Feeling of unsense.
Is it fear or is it... pleasure.
You say it like there a difference.
The thin line of what is pain,
and what is pleasure.
A chemical reward system glitch.
The affect of painful stimuli numbing affects over the time.
Now my mind is adrift.
I loss the sense of purpose.
Steady on the event.
The games of games.
A drug i can't kick.
If you could see my face... you lose your faith in my steady hand.
The knife gliding over your breast.
The commands of a person lost in his own mind.
I feel your pulse.
I know it time.
I leave you lost in your own fantasy.
The rush.
Not knowing where i am.
Who i am.
Am i the one you love,
Or the one you fear.

You wait for what seems hours.
You have to pee.
Yet im no where you can sense.
You struggle if i left you there to rot.
Or am i just sitting on the bed.
Watching you twitch, shudder, tremble, shake.
A deep sense of abandonment.
You get wet.
You love to be teased.
You love the feeling of fear overtake you.
Lack control.
Lack absolute faith.
Too bad you were wrong about him.
They never found you.
At least yet.

And a quick pablum

Her words...
Are piercing me.. to my core.
She's picking out.. how sneaky i was.
She mapping it out..
She's seeing right..
into my heart.
She knows..
what i am.
I can feel the flesh rip from your bones.
I can smell the stank of fear going thru your veins.
I can taste the life draining from you.
I can see your face.. the lack of one.
I can hear your screams rode by like a child's lullaby.

Your most treasured depravity is child's play beside the
experiences I offer.
"Will you partake of them?"
You looked at the scars and the hooks.
"Will you?"
Outside, somewhere near, the world would soon be waking.
You had watched it wake
from the window of this very room,
day after day,
stirring itself to another round of fruitless pursuits.
That was the price of ambition.
You was ready to pay it.

He smelled the bitterness of their consumption.
It pricked his nostrils so acutely he was certain they would bleed.
But the smell of burning was only the beginning.
No sooner had he registered it than half a dozen other scents filled his head. Perfumes he had scarcely noticed until now were suddenly overpoweringly strong.
The lingering scent of filched blossoms.

She felt no fear in its presence.
This thing was weaker than her by far.
It moved a little in its cell, looking for some modicum of comfort.
But there was none to be had, not for a creature that wore its frayed nerves on its bleeding sleeve.
Every place it might lay its body brought pain:
this she knew indisputably.
She pitied it.
And with pity came release.
Her body expelled dead air,
and sucked in living.
Her oxygen-starved brain reeled.

You stare at me with cold contempt in your eyes. 'Who are you'?
I'm the Engineer.

-Ole' to hellrasier.-
What the fuck is this I don't even.

Unrelated song:

What is this? I don't even...
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