Behold for tis I, me

Eyo! I'm Grotto Potato, apprentice pixel artist working a deadbeat job until I finally have the couragesticles to actually post anything, character designer and big TTRPG fan, GM and long time lurker of these forums. Grew up with mangas ever since Pokémon first aired on TV in my country when I was but a wee lad. I'm a hiker, been travelling all around the world since forever, I love talking to people but hate being around people so here I am! Glad to make your acquaintance. I know there aren't a lot of you guys left on the forum but hey.
Welcome. Do you post your art on DeviantArt, Pixiv, or other online gallery?
Hello and welcome!
aim9snake wrote...
Welcome. Do you post your art on DeviantArt, Pixiv, or other online gallery?

Not yet, I wanted to start a Pixiv some time ago but a pretty nasty neck/shoulder injury forced me to put everything art related on hiatus. =/

Thanks for the welcome guys!
Get well soon!
Very much appreciated, thanks! :D