
Only just noticed the forums have an 'Introduce Yourself' section. Well, HOI GUIZE! I am here a fair bit but probably won't post too often; will probably comment on the doujins and Manga more. Unless I get into the habit of posting, which I may try to do. I will be on the look out for awesome posts, which if the comments are anything to go by should be significant in number :D.

If you've read this far, imagine some random dude in the UK saying "You're Awesome". That's the best I can do xD
Hey and welcome to the forums. Someone else from the UK :3

So what hentai do you read/watch?
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
Every time I see someone from the UK, I can imagine them being a die-hard football fan.
Welcome to the forums, I guess!
Yurixhentai, indeed, a fellow Brit :). What I watch depends on my mood. If I am pissed off I might watch something darker, while if I am not feeling so good I might something uplifting, like vanilla Yuri, the kind with enough sweetness to cause diabetes. A fan of doujins of Anime too, like Naruto and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.

Of course if I am just here to fap I tend to head straight for something like Hatsu Inu. Though I still haven't found a turn on quite like Fujino...

Devsonfire, as it happens I am a massive football fan, but that's only one of my interests, and there's plenty of British people who aren't xD Thanks for the welcome.

Also I am learning some Japanese, I recommend it! Always nice watching a Hentai video to be able to learn whilst fapping xD
Fujino is adorable and really hot, I love Hatsu Inu. Have you read the h-manga and watched the h-anime? I think I liked the manga even more, but the anime was equally a huge turn on. You should buy the manga if you haven't and can, it's translated.

Well worth it:
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Welcome to the forums. You're going to love the crazy things that happen in some sections of the forums.
iMuse Kuroneko is mine
Welcome to the forums bro