Sup Fakku Goers...Go'ers...?

Sup. Names Reaper. Yea, I've already posted, but I like to introduce myself as well, the video-gaming, metal-loving man I am. You never grow outta' that stuff :wink:

I hope for a long stay.
great...another metal-loving otaku
don't get me wrong though...i got nothing against metal in fact i like to listen some of old pieces from metallica and korn...its just that......nvm

welcome and i hope you enjoy the site :D
Reaper33 wrote...
Sup. Names Reaper. Yea, I've already posted, but I like to introduce myself as well, the video-gaming, metal-loving man I am. You never grow outta' that stuff :wink:

I hope for a long stay.

We're going to get along just fine. Welcome!
Nice to meet you, more of a classic rock man myself but i love videogames!
Welcome. Good sig by the way.
Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
'lo. We're Fakkers, btw.
Ahh, I see. Well, Imma' go help my friend make explosives with just matches, a tennis-ball, and duct-tape.

Thanks for the warm welcome.