[Locked] Who are you? ...In real life?

I am a 24 y/o male from Kansas, but moved to Alabama when I was little. I still live with my parents and sister because my mom destroyed my credit score and my fiance left me last year T_T. I graduated from the University of Montevallo w/a bachelors in Fine Art and minor in General Business. I have loved anime and manga for as long as I can remember but only began to realize how many other people liked in the last 3 or 4 years. I also love video games, hanging out w/ friends, and of course hentai. As far as music - anything but rap and country. I'm happy to be here on Fakku because where I live, if you don't like hunting or cars, your an outcast.
[size=12] [/h] [align=left][spoil] Hello there fellow fakku-es.I just want to greet myself about my own real-life...i'm just a regular kid that has always been teased.Anyway,i like drawing cartoons and anime style,playing video games such as my favourite "LEFT 4 DEAD".play football(brittian)with my friends and watch television.I'm not a britian thought but my life is very hard.being bully all the time,eqquipment got stolen and a little brother died at front of my eyes.it's sad,it is very sad.But please can one of you taught me how to do this,or that or anithing else.besides,i'm new from here.i did my account since like yesterday i guess?well...i think i'll stop by until here.well i think i hope some of you sent me some notifications at my profile name MikeEE*
Hello! I'm 23, still in college. My major was suppose to be Computer Science, but I have more credits to other majors. Anyway, my interest has been varied since I am a very open minded person. However, some of my interest that continues to hold up are Asian culture (mainly Japan), video games, animation and technology. Oh! Fluent in English, understand Spanish orally and learning Japanese. Actually, who am I in real life, I'm just a guy who just do his own thing really. Hard to talk about myself if I don't really know myself overall.
The real name is not-to-be-said. I'm forbided from revealing my true name for your safty. Yeah, I'm a Harry Potter fan, so what? I'm from Croatia. I'm in a highschool for a chef, I'm 18 and I'm going to my 3th and last year. Never flunked. Its just that kind of a school system here. so what. Sue me, no better sue my country. I live with my mom,dad,lil adopted sis. My lil sis is a blaber mouth with too much energy and she's fat, she goes to my nerves so much I could strangle her. My dad pretty ok when not pissed, my mom is annoying a lot cause she talks withous stopping and repeats the same sentence over 10 times in just 20 minutes. my big bros in collage for... cant really remember. Somethis with massages. I plan to work in Japan one day, and get myself some nice hot and loyal wife that wont got NTR on me. I dont mind even if she wants to be the boss in the relationship. Lets see... I got a 6-7 year old puddle and a unknow age old turtle. I had 2 but one died. I also had parrets when I was small. One dayed before I could even remember the other when I was 6. I hate my country and I wish to leave it as soon as possible. That should be it for now.
Hello, everyone. I'm a nineteen-year-old writer. I don't want my family to see the books I write, so I use a pen name and keep a job on the side to explain having spending money.
I discovered Fakku! through a "Fakku Fap Game" thread on 4chan a couple of years ago, but I haven't really come here much until a few months ago.
My hobbies include gaming (mostly rpg or fighting), reading (pretty much anything), and writing (smutty novels). That is, aside from what you can glean from my presence here.
Im 19 Joining the Army soon :)
I'm writing a book at teh moment cus i have waaay to much spart time on my hands xD
I live in England Near Liverpool
Been a fan of animes all my life and found out i like hentai bout 4 years ago :p
To be honest though i like pretty much anything with breasts.. except Futa
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
i am a guy (straight)
i am 23 years old
i am going to trade school to learn to be a computer technician.even though i really want to be an author i have been been writing a novel for 6 years now. i have actually finshed like twice but i keep restarting it over agian. It gets ten times better every time i do though, so its going to be like the best book ever.

i like anime, manga and Japanese stuff
i have never had a girlfriend. so i guess thats why i watch hentai and stuff. i used to have this impression that all gamer/anime fans were horrible losers that never got any girls in real life. but recently i have met people that have proved me wrong. i look forward to meeting new and interesting people here.

well i have been a member of this site for a long time but i never actually was part of the community i just came here to find hentai but now here i am on my first day posting in forums and i already am getting yelled at by the moderators for posting in nosebleed without any pics. i guess im kind of a screw up. but i would like to get along with everyone.
21 years old,yep u guessed im a student,IT dOmain,i enjoy reading manga,watching anime,and after a year i've decided to create an account on fakku:),im currently living with my mother and grandfathers,i live in Romania ^_^,i cannot tell u my real name because if i would do that i have to silence all of u :)),just kidding ^^
I already made my own introduction, but I decided to come here too, because separate threads dont stay on the first few pages for very long :<

So, I'm 24 years old female from Finland and at the moment I'm not doing anything, no school, no work. Just internet, drawing, games, sex (with my bf) and weed. And lots of Supernatural, till I run out of episodes, which is pretty soon :<
In hentai I appreciate good artistic skills (doh), good story, small breasts and cute bums. I dont like yaoi at all, straight hentai and yuri are my thing.
And as I said, I like drawing, mostly some ecchi stuff and lately I've started to draw hentai too. atm I dont have any of my drawings online, I'm too lazy D:
As I said, no work, no school, but I've been thinking that I may want to be a pastry chef.
Lately I havent been watching very much anime. I used to watch about 1 episode every day, but nowdays its more random and I usualy watch it only once or twice a month maybe.
I like music (as does most of the people), and I have quite wide-ranging music taste. The Yellow Monkey is the only japanese band I listen to nowdays, I like reggae, Devin Townsend, Nujabes [size=10](well, its japanese too)[/h], Bruce Dickinson and my latest discovery Symphony of science is awesome, great background music and very interesting to listen to when under the influence :) Cant really bother to list more bands/artists I like.

I like:
- music
- games
- weed [size=10](it just makes about everything better and more fun)[/h]
- drawing
- Black Books [size=10](who's with me?!?)[/h]
- Supernatural [size=10](the tv show)[/h]
- zombies
- Butts and small breasts/flat chests
- cute underwear
- Baking
- staying up late till morning
- sleeping long till afternoon
- comfy things
- rain
- writing walls of text

I dont like:
- children
- zombies
- dentists
- too large breasts
- fake breasts
- way too religious people
- People who are too full of themselves
- Alcohol
- Tobacco
- Coffee
- How I never finish a drawing I start
- wearing clothes at home
- too hot weathers
- mainstream music
- fangirls
Iamnotchrishansen wrote...
Dislikes:The norm and modern day society itself

- maybe about 90% of Finnish politicians who dont know anything about the important things and care only about their own asses and wallets [size=10]("hay, now that we raised the taxes to get more money for the country, how about raising our own paychecks by 20%, even tho our country has a 80 billion euros worth of debt, oh the fun!")[/h]

Oh, and I think I'm quite happy person, even tho it may be hard to see it from my texts :>

And thats me in a nutshell, quite a large nutshell :o
Raparperi wrote...
I already made my own introduction, but I decided to come here too, because separate threads dont stay on the first few pages for very long :<

So, I'm 24 years old female from Finland and at the moment I'm not doing anything, no school, no work. Just internet, drawing, games, sex (with my bf) and weed. And lots of Supernatural, till I run out of episodes, which is pretty soon :<
In hentai I appreciate good artistic skills (doh), good story, small breasts and cute bums. I dont like yaoi at all, straight hentai and yuri are my thing.
And as I said, I like drawing, mostly some ecchi stuff and lately I've started to draw hentai too. atm I dont have any of my drawings online, I'm too lazy D:
As I said, no work, no school, but I've been thinking that I may want to be a pastry chef.
Lately I havent been watching very much anime. I used to watch about 1 episode every day, but nowdays its more random and I usualy watch it only once or twice a month maybe.
I like music (as does most of the people), and I have quite wide-ranging music taste. The Yellow Monkey is the only japanese band I listen to nowdays, I like reggae, Devin Townsend, Nujabes [size=10](well, its japanese too)[/h], Bruce Dickinson and my latest discovery Symphony of science is awesome, great background music and very interesting to listen to when under the influence :) Cant really bother to list more bands/artists I like.

I like:
- music
- games
- weed [size=10](it just makes about everything better and more fun)[/h]
- drawing
- Black Books [size=10](who's with me?!?)[/h]
- Supernatural [size=10](the tv show)[/h]
- zombies
- Butts and small breasts/flat chests
- cute underwear
- Baking
- staying up late till morning
- sleeping long till afternoon
- comfy things
- rain
- writing walls of text

I dont like:
- children
- zombies
- dentists
- too large breasts
- fake breasts
- way too religious people
- People who are too full of themselves
- Alcohol
- Tobacco
- Coffee
- How I never finish a drawing I start
- wearing clothes at home
- too hot weathers
- mainstream music
- fangirls
Iamnotchrishansen wrote...
Dislikes:The norm and modern day society itself

- maybe about 90% of Finnish politicians who dont know anything about the important things and care only about their own asses and wallets [size=10]("hay, now that we raised the taxes to get more money for the country, how about raising our own paychecks by 20%, even tho our country has a 80 billion euros worth of debt, oh the fun!")[/h]

Oh, and I think I'm quite happy person, even tho it may be hard to see it from my texts :>

And thats me in a nutshell, quite a large nutshell :o

:o marry me? xD
lol going by that we 'should' have alot in common xD
high five o/
Drag0nf0rce wrote...
:o marry me? xD
lol going by that we 'should' have alot in common xD
high five o/

I'm not that kind of a person who wants to get married ;< Also, I have a bf already, but thanks for the offer D;
Lets see, i'm a straight male(minus a futa and trap fetish), I have dark brown hair thats a little curly and will be getting glasses soon as im pretty much blind otherwise.I usually wear black or white clothes. I live in a small town in tennessee and hate it. My outer family thinks off me as a complete redneck but im truly not.I've loved for anime awhile and got into hentai about 4 years ago. I play eroge and all sorts of other games. For some reason im rather popular and have had quite a few GF's. I have a really dark and sad past and my life continues to just screw me over. Im very sarcastic and i don't really trust anyone. Im a writer and i love literatue and have a very overactive imagination.
Well, that's pretty much it for me.
I'm a 19 year old sci-fi/fantasy writer and i research ideas for weapons in my spare time.
currently im jobless. seems my hobbies make more money.
i live in alaska and i enjoy Anime, books, long walks, and swordplay.
Hello, I just joined, and i'm a working model at m4 model agency, i live in the UK, my main passion is art – I especially adore painting and making my own art, and thats what brought me here. I'm deeply intrigued by the artwork of some of the doujin comics etc. and although its Hentai, i love the friendly, relaxed atmosphere on this website. :) :)
I just garduated from highschool and going to college for game simulation grew up in San Diego but currently reside in the most boring place that you could possible call a town.

Really want to learn japanese but really cant find anything good or that i can aford at the moment.

I used to be afraid of what people thought of me if i told them i liked hentai but now i just couldn't care less.
Hey everyone, I'm a 19 year old mechanical engineering college student and I live in California (US). My interests include anime, manga, video games, role playing (not the weird kind), martial arts, and fencing. In my spare time I try to practice my martial arts so that my friends and I can do our own fight choreography. I play a lot of MMO games and pc games mainly. However if I ever get my hands on a console, good luck getting it back... I'm also love to cosplay, however going to conventions is very expensive for me. I've only been to a few small conventions and I went to Fanime twice I believe about 2 or 3 years ago (it's been awhile) with financial help from some friends.

I'm a big fan of Japanese culture like Danny Choo and cosplay queen Alodia Gosiengfiao (I don't care what anyone says, she's the queen in my book). My secret goal in life is to design weapon props for movies and things of that nature, the secret driving force behind why I became an engineer. I hope to meet a lot of interesting people and hope that we can become solid friends and not just a bunch of people wandering the same website.
Hey everyone I've been on fakku for 2 years now and had an account for maybe a year now but I wanted to finally get into the fakku forms so hi everyone! Im the OrangeMango, go ahead and ask why if you'd like, I love hentai and fakku is my main sit to rely on it, try checking out my blog at orangemangosblog.blogspot.com and talk to me!
Hi, im a 19 yr male and i love this site. love to read, swimming, hanging with friends, going outside(mostly in fall or winter tho), playing video games (mostly rpg or fps). I like hentai of all kinds even though im straight...except maybe for rape it just doesnt agree with me i guess. Been on the site for a few months now and i like to get on when i get the chance to see whats new. Going to college to be a vet, for now im just saving as much money to go to the otakon convention, 1 week left ^o^.
I've got aspbergers. does that count?
I'm 19, I live in canada, I just love hentai. And Anime of course, Nothing special, nothing abnormal.
Monster Girl
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