Woohoo! a new gal member here. \(- u -)/

Hello to all![color=#9D0A0A] Purplestockingz-desu! I really got addicted to this site recently and..I'm an otaku girl...I draw hentai(a lot) .Can anyone recommend a manga with short-haired girls? Nice to meet u all!
Let me be the first to welcome you! Remember to read the rules first before posting anything unless.....you're prepared. Anyways welcome to fakku!
Thank u =) and I did read all the rules..thanks again for the concern :)
Welcome to Fakku! Yay, 1400 posts.
^ Congratz, brah.

Welcome to FAKKU, Purples. Please enjoy your stay!
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Short-haired girls... =-=

Try Forsythia? It's on the site.

Anyway, welcome. Enjoy your time here. Anything else you'd like to say about yourself?
Welcome welcome, I hope you enjoy your stay!

I don't know of any off the top of my head but I'll keep a look out for you. But besides short hair, is there any other preferences you have?
Welcome to Fakku!
Welcome to the forums.
Welcome to the forums, have a nice stay!
artcellrox wrote...
Short-haired girls... =-=

Try Forsythia? It's on the site.

Anyway, welcome. Enjoy your time here. Anything else you'd like to say about yourself?

Wow..like the manga you recommended..well,I'm an 18 y/o girl and I've been really into anime since I was 5 years old.Hentai became an addiction when I was 14. At school,I'm an honor student and I do have friends,most of them are otakus.I enjoy meganes,doujinshis and yuri. :) Nuff said :3
Hello and welcome to the site.

Here are some doujins/mangas that feature girls with short hair.
Runaway Cousin
Please Don't Call Me Nee-Chan
Bokura no Sora
The Love Is Forbidden Swimming Club
The Annoyance Next Door
I Beg You
Fourteen Plus

I hope these recommendations are to your liking.
kcool. welcome, i guess.
Can't sleep.... Anyway welcome new person. If you ever need help just feel free to ask. Usually I'm in a helpful mood... usually.
Hello and welcome to Fakku! OMG you're wearing glasses, i'm in love lol^^
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
I love it when new people have the need to mention they are females.
akuma2002 wrote...
Hello and welcome to Fakku! OMG you're wearing glasses, i'm in love lol^^

Haha! Nice to meet u LOL Ü
It can't be helped, i have a fetish for girls wearing glasses^^ (wearing a pair myself too)
hello there wellcome to fakku. i see you like short-haired girls or just the hair :o anyways. if u want some pics like that i think i know a place were u can find pics like that. just pm me if u are interested.
akuma2002 wrote...
It can't be helped, i have a fetish for girls wearing glasses^^ (wearing a pair myself too)

Then that makes the two of us then. :)