What FAKKU Merch Would You Like To See?

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InTraining ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
kunoichi069 wrote...

Not sure if this was mentioned but I would like to see some "Bukakke Rulers" of Fakku's girls. =D

This could be a cool idea, except maybe make it like that "card holder" item from the Hichschool of the Dead Secret Box. Little collectible plastic bukakke filled cards aren't as useful as a ruler though, admittedly, but w/e gets all the artists to make new cool art for them.

Not my picture, but talking about this card.

Forum Image: http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c178/the-great-one/hotdrev10.jpg
What I personally believe to be an interesting idea, especially if the skateboards do well is if it would be possible to see Fakku snowboards in the near future? The biggest difference I see is the cost. Maybe snowboard wraps that have some of the Fakku artwork on them instead would be more feasible.
Likhos01 Monster Girl Lover
I suppose wallscrolls are another one of those merch we'd love to see.
And the obligatory oppai mousepads.
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