Whose modern gaming consoles do you prefer?

Whose modern gaming consoles do you prefer?

Total Votes : 4,667
Xbox 360 >PC > PS3

Xbox 360 is the one I most frequently use for gamin. Though, I think it's only cause I've had 360 longer than playstation consoles and so I got used to using my 360 most of the time.
I'm part of the 1% at last, lol!
i only play mmo's mostly RPG's
Sony all the way.
I'm a PS3 guy. I don't own, and have never owned a Microsoft game console. I don't really hate Microsoft consoles, it's just I don't really need one. All Microsoft games for the Xbox and the 360 can be played on the PC, but you can't play all Sony console games on the PC. "But there's this magical program called emulators." Sure, you can play ANY game on the PC with an emulator, but that makes it a bit harder. You gotta download plug-ins, configure it and all that other stuff. And then you gotta download the games, which takes up quite a bit of time depending on your download speed. And the files are most likely big too, so it's gonna eat away your hard drive space, unless you have a monster of a PC. Then you're good.

My point being, I don't own a Microsoft console, but that doesn't mean that I hate the console. Hell, if I ever have the chance, I'd like to own one. And you can play any Xbox game on the PC.
uh well I have a 360 at the moment...so I guess microsoft would be the right answer here.
I only play my 3DS these days
I have a 360 I don't play, but any SCII/league players here? ^^
Xbox 360 and PC!
I'm a PC gamer. It's been a long while since I really played any console. But I think I'm okay with any console as long the game is an enjoyable one.
I don't really have a clear favorite. I like everything, I hate nothing. Nintendo is great because of the Game Boy and now the (3)DS. I also have all three the consoles: the X360 for the multi-platform games, the PS3 for the exclusives and the Wii to play Mario, Zelda and Metroid and otherwise collect dust. If I had the money, I would also buy myself a gaming pc, but I doubt I'd have the time to play everything I want. I already have a big enough backlog as it is.
Computer has a sucky graphics card so I can't play. Used to though.
These days I don't play much, but back then I loved gaming.
Mostly PC gaming. Even though I sucked hard.
Xbox 360, because I waited a year after the 360 came out for the PS3, and when it finally came out it cost some $800 Dollars, wasn't backwards compatible, and fried itself in a month. Sony asked if I wanted to purchase another PS3 at half price considering my PS3 was built with "faulty equipment". So I left the Sony Store went to Best Buy, bought a Xbox Elite at $200 Dollars and bought 10 Games. So I got an Elite and 10 Brand new games with LIVE, all for the price of a PS3 console. And Microsoft has replaced every 360 for free. All 2 of them.
Sony been with them since the ps1, but I did start out with Nintendo then Sega Genesis. Heck I still have my Sega Game Gear and it works like a charm, and it's been over 2 decades since I got it.
Sony for me but Microsoft offers a better online network for me to play with friends. Sony brings the exclusives I love
Zemaru: Xbox, they have mmo's jrpgs that arnt well known, and less cocky players(that I have met)
Choas: Pc, fuck Sony And Xbox can eat a sandwich both need updates and needs to stop worrying about the other consoles. >.>
Microsoft, I love my Xbox.
PC gamer first and fore most
then S > M$ > N

I got the PSX and PS2 when they first came out. Then I built a computer and pretty much ignored consoles until a few months ago when my PS2 died. So i bought a backwards compatible PS3 ^_^
I gotta say Sony because I have all the latest gaming consoles but I do enjoy my PS3 the most of all.
im a pc gamer mostly but i play with mah ps3&psp every other time. Someone plays maplestory?
Monster Girl
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