Whose modern gaming consoles do you prefer?

Whose modern gaming consoles do you prefer?

Total Votes : 4,667
SONY by a longshot...
some people told me "you say that because you only have PS3"
i got them all and i still think PS3 is way better
Mirosoft cause of Xbox and my PC yea sony beat that
I don't really play console games, but when I do, I play old Final Fantasy games.
I've always been a fan of Mario and Pokemon, so I've been following them a long while. I own everything except an Xbox. I don't see the point of owning an Xbox when I have a working 64 with working cartridges of Banjo-Kazooie/-Tooie. :T

But yeah, Nintendo can have my vote; I only own like, five or six games for my PS3, and none so far for my Vita. :x
I do am loyal to Sony, but gotta say that the X360 is a good machine indeed... Still have a ps3, though
I really don't care what system as long as i have fun playing a game, but i voted PS3 just for the sake of voting since i own the system
I like consoles because it don't nedd to buy more... I got a console and then i buy the game... But a beast pc can download and run it perfectly!!!
PC gamer all the way here, you just can do so much more on a PC, not to mention Steam sales make games dirt cheap. A good PC may cost a lot, but the lower priced games more than make up the price difference with a console, without going the pirate's way.

The only console of this gen that I owned, was the Wii and that was only for the Zelda games, which I've sold right after finishing Skyward Swords.
PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP, PSP Vita...
I Love Video Games, and I play since I was 4. Many good RPGs on the Sony consoles, thats for sure! ^^
lets see here all games exclusive in sony are the only ones i play in my consoles, but if the games are available in pc then thats where i play.
Like the 360 for online use and PS3 for visuals... tho...right now my favorite device is my 3DS because it has the new Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop!! Im so inlove with that game right now, so hard to put it down!!
I'm a Microsoft supporter(even if sometimes i wish they would burn in hell fires)since I own an Xbox 360 though I wish I could be a PC player as well there are just some games on PC and Steam that never get stale like most console games.
Xbox 360 all my gaming needs.
Been a pc gamer forever.
PC all the way although sometimes I play on my friend's PS3. But all in all, PC is the way to go!
Well it goes a little something like this technically:
3.Xbox 360
3.Xbox 360
4. Wii
Pc gaming all the way, I prefer it because I can play games that looks and play much better on pc than on insoles. Don't get me wrong I have played everything but IMO this generation of consoles have over stayed thir welcome.
I'm not really a huge gamer but time to time i might play a game or two.
PC all the way :) but if i have to choose... SONY :D
Xbox 360 is best. Sorry guys.