What did you learn today?

[color=#993300]I was an ex's last boyfriend and now they have a girlfriend haha, how interesting
Ha, I don't have the head for this, not cold enough, not strong enough...
Yeah, go to a cool place to live, and forget all about this damned land. Else my mental health will only go down...
[color=#993300]I always fall for the people I care about
I learned that school is boring no matter how many times I go u.u
I learned just how much my friends are into monster girls these days.
I love slime girls. Cherry likes pant girls, (and has roleplayed as an Alura Une in bed)
Lemon and Lime decided to be fairies of the moon and sun... Not exactly monsters but I think it still counts.

I've been attempting to get them together for some homemade tabletop RPG thing I've been working on because we need more things to do, so...
Xillia Full Time Waifu.
TIL I learned, probably for the 9th time over, that procrastination is a bad thing.
How easy things be when I work hard on it.
Still to lazy to even work on most things.
That my anatomy professor is a fucking liar.
Japan Not Japanese
That The Last of Us is considered a horror game.
She has a really twisted sense of humor.

Of course, that's one of the many things i love about her, but still... o_O
The toprock that I've been trying to master for the last two weeks fucking sucks.
Today I've learnt that my skills in chess are still sharp enough.
A handful of stat topics
Madoka universe is screwed up lesbians that fight things they don't even know themselves. it is so fucked up and brain fucking.. and Kyuubey is the scariest thing ever existed in this world

Gravity cat the adequately amused
I met an old friend from school on the bus today. Found out he still speaks to my former friend who I fell out with over an ex of mine that he got with. I lovingly refer to him as Cockface thanks to this show.

I've long since stopped caring that he got with her since I cut off contact and managed to get over her a while ago, but I continue to dislike him for generally being a shit person not just to me, but to other people as well.

According to my friend, Cockface is no different now to when he was back then.

  • He got more arrogant. Not sure what my old friend specifically meant by that, but I assume he meant that Cockface still thinks he's always right in any given situation and can do no wrong, and is God's gift to women yet secretly is highly insecure.

  • He became grumpier and is apparently a major dampener on nights out since he won't drink and is more socially awkward than my friend, who himself admitted that he has a plethora of mental handicaps which make him socially awkward by default.

  • He still hasn't grown out of the goth phase. Last time I spoke to him he was a major metalhead. Apparently now his passion for metal is borderline autistic; talk to him about it and he's like a walking encyclopedia, talk to him about anything else and he's like a fish out of water.
MrTickTock Vanguard of NTR
That making jokes about Nina from FMA will make rev leave the room and make Tsamari laugh so hard he fails in his games.
That some women are weird, seriously.
MrTickTock Vanguard of NTR
That Rev is a decent league player
when playing Quinn
i really hope he doesn't read this
xhimitsu wrote...
Madoka universe is screwed up lesbians that fight things they don't even know themselves. it is so fucked up and brain fucking.. and Kyuubey is the scariest thing ever existed in this world


Forum Image: http://puu.sh/eMKUp/fa0db64ce7.jpg

That I need more coffee for upcoming duels.
Basic Toprock, Six Step, Baby Freeze, a little bit of popping.

I feel like I've never made a better choice in my life than taking up bboying.
Monster Girl
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