Something i realized.

If every person have a certain vibe/energy to them and that vibe effect our minds subconsciously.
Wouldn't that mean that i am absorbing energy from everything i read, watch, every person i interact with.

From what i understand creating a good vibe on our own is almost impossible.
A good vibe comes from a collective of some sort, which means self improvement is obsolete without healthy people with a good vibe surrounding us.
Jnax wrote...
If every person have a certain vibe/energy to them and that vibe effect our minds subconsciously.
Wouldn't that mean that i am absorbing energy from everything i read, watch, every person i interact with.

From what i understand creating a good vibe on our own is almost impossible.
A good vibe comes from a collective of some sort, which means self improvement is obsolete without healthy people with a good vibe surrounding us.

You are correct, that is what we would consider influence too. If I keep watching positivity, I will be positive too. However, sometimes just been light hearted or having a positive background can reinforce someone to be positive almost all the time.

Even something as simple as a Youtube video can help reinforce us. But one must also be open to good vibes.
All I can say to this is, you gotta read more NTR.
Jnax wrote...
If every person have a certain vibe/energy to them and that vibe effect our minds subconsciously.
Wouldn't that mean that i am absorbing energy from everything i read, watch, every person i interact with.

From what i understand creating a good vibe on our own is almost impossible.
A good vibe comes from a collective of some sort, which means self improvement is obsolete without healthy people with a good vibe surrounding us.

Pretty sure things don't work like that.
Monster Girl
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