us politician wants the department of justice to attack porn

republican jim banks wants attorney general bill barr to attack porn

his tweet: https:/

the letter he sent:

Some of the text:

The prevalence of obscene pornography in our society has consequences, especially for our children.
It’s time we start talking about it & it’s time to do something about it.
I'm proud to introduce a letter calling on AG Barr to prosecute obscenity & make it a DOJ priority
Laws are ALREADY on the books that prohibit distribution of obscene pornography in places we frequent everyday: the Internet, on cable/satellite TV, in hotels/motels, and more.
Yet the enforcement of these laws effectively stopped under Obama.
As online obscenity consumption has increased, so too has:
-violence towards women
-overall volume of sex trafficking
-child porn production
Our children are being exposed, often accidentally, & are struggling with addiction.
This is beyond outrageous. It is evil.
In 2016, u/realDonaldTrump made one of his most important promises: elect me, & I'll enforce federal obscenity laws to stop the explosion of obscene pornography online.
Mr. President, now is the chance to keep yet another promise.

A few believe this is actually meant to target hentai since it's unlikely groups like pornhub or brazzers would be taken down due to backlash (example: Since most people watch the above groups they hopefully wouldn't drink the "think of the children" kool-aid this time so jim would reduce the scope of his porn ban down to just those "horrible moe/loli images").
rape ape g wrote...
republican jim banks wants attorney general bill barr to attack porn

his tweet: https:/

the letter he sent:

Some of the text:

The prevalence of obscene pornography in our society has consequences, especially for our children.
It’s time we start talking about it & it’s time to do something about it.
I'm proud to introduce a letter calling on AG Barr to prosecute obscenity & make it a DOJ priority
Laws are ALREADY on the books that prohibit distribution of obscene pornography in places we frequent everyday: the Internet, on cable/satellite TV, in hotels/motels, and more.
Yet the enforcement of these laws effectively stopped under Obama.
As online obscenity consumption has increased, so too has:
-violence towards women
-overall volume of sex trafficking
-child porn production
Our children are being exposed, often accidentally, & are struggling with addiction.
This is beyond outrageous. It is evil.
In 2016, u/realDonaldTrump made one of his most important promises: elect me, & I'll enforce federal obscenity laws to stop the explosion of obscene pornography online.
Mr. President, now is the chance to keep yet another promise.

A few believe this is actually meant to target hentai since it's unlikely groups like pornhub or brazzers would be taken down due to backlash (example: Since most people watch the above groups they hopefully wouldn't drink the "think of the children" kool-aid this time so jim would reduce the scope of his porn ban down to just those "horrible moe/loli images").

Load the zombiebots with 7 vpn tunnels to post porn on their twitter with shill accounts.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
As someone who heils from a country whose government has been trying to ban internet porn for years and tries to distract its citizens with non-issues while trying to pass bills without anyone knowing, and said country is stereotyped for being sexually repressed, I can tell you that if porn is targeted by politicians, the public often tells them to go fuck themselves and they will back down.

They always try to use children as leverage for the bullshit reasoning. That was one of the reasons cited for the UK to try and block porn, and their "solution" was requiring real personal details to verify your age. A huge privacy concern and an obviously blatent attempt to get information on its populace. Short-sighted, ridiculous, unrealistic, benefits no-one, and any potential for privacy leaks is always bad. After news spread and more people became aware of it, the bill was shelved.

I hate the arguement "think of the children"
1) There's laws against that, especially concerning porn
2) I will not tolerate content I view being taken from me because someone's little shit of a child gets off to tentacle rape hentai on XNXX.

Teach them proper sex education so they don't have to try and teach themselves, or let them do whatever as long as they're not being groomed. If they're curious there's no stopping it. Don't make everyone else suffer for it.
fuck republicans and conservatives.

they ruin EVERYTHING
People with these kinds of opinions come out of the woodwork every few years. No one in the mainstream will want to risk public outcry if they came out in favor of banning pornography, especially in the US where the first amendment is so sacred. This would be more believable in Canada or the UK.
If they passed any repression on pornography it'll give carte blanche to attempt the same on hate speech. Let's be real, if you're attempting to block porn on the left hand you're more than likely being a racist bigot on the right, so it'll never get through interparty or external party.
Liberatory socialism is the only acceptable path and the only one that will not try and ban porn imo. Stalin apologists can get bent; America needs socialist politicians now.
He makes a lot of claims that should be verifiable; I'm curious how many of them actually can be. He says all of these have increased in recent years.

>-violence towards women
>-overall volume of sex trafficking
>-child porn production

is there any verifiable statistic that says *any* of them have? I can think of a lot of studies that said availability of porn and (legal) prostitution (in areas that allow it.. only 1 in US) have actually decreased violence towards women. legalized prostitution would also provide competition in the market and probably therefore decrease sex trafficking as well.

I have no idea on the state of cp production, but the other 2 at least seem demonstrably untrue.
They tried restricting porn in the UK and that failed. Certain genres of hentai like loli or rape can be banned (and in many cases are), but most first world countries have laws that would make banning all porn illegal. The US is weird because the 1st Amendment should protect even extreme hentai but some states have quite harsh obscenity laws despite that, at least compared to most of Europe
This thread is months old already, I doubt anything came of it and I doubt it ever will, one of the most basic rules of thumb out there is that you can not oppose the majority unless you want a huge backlash.
You can make niche sub-genres of porn illegal, things that only a minority of people like, or things that you can not publicly support (like loli/shota) because of social rules, but you can not oppose something that over 50% support, or in this case porn, which pretty much over 80% of people watch, it will be the end of your political career
Monster Girl
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