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York you are an intelligent guy and cool to post with. Ur obessesion with TTGL is a little creepy but not so much as a bad thing. I see you in the future with a harem of all the sexy girls u want.
I have not been able to chat much with most members on Fakku since I do not use IRC. Nonetheless, I believe that you (York) are an important member on Fakku, like every other member, though there may be differing levels of importance.

Going by your post count, it shows that you have contributed quite a bit to Fakku, in terms of your views and opinions. Even if it happens to be spam, it serves to make the community a livelier place.
dålif wrote...
Noutakun x York = awesome reading for us others

Noutakun wrote...
dålif wrote...
Noutakun x York = awesome reading for us others


Noutakun x York.....there's a fakku yaoi doujin now?
I like your dog Boston...
Ramsus wrote...
Noutakun wrote...
dålif wrote...
Noutakun x York = awesome reading for us others


Noutakun x York.....there's a fakku yaoi doujin now?

A picture tells a thousand words..and this is not spam

Forum Image: http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h68/clusion7721/busta.jpg

Forum Image: http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r87/woman_skornd/twitch.gif

Forum Image: http://i200.photobucket.com/albums/aa111/newgoblin30/vomiting.jpg

Haha, it kind of sounds like you want to be critisized. If you want some, here you go : "You Suck"

No, I'm just joking, but I noticed you around the forums in the short time I've been here, and I must say, your responses are well thought out, and you don't make ill-informed comments. I think you deserve it, seing as you're a pretty cool person.

The only funny thing I noticed about one of your posts was that you used to think that all doujins were hentai. :)
Nothing wrong with that, because that's what I thought until a year ago as well.
sora851 wrote...
Catcher wrote...
The only funny thing I noticed about one of your posts was that you used to think that all doujins were hentai. :)
Nothing wrong with that, because that's what I thought until a year ago as well.

this sorta makes me feel dumb cause i honestly dont even know what actually qualifys something to be called a doujin

Think of it as indie or self-published work, more fanfics and one-shots as opposed to something released by a manga publisher.
i know its corny but i always wonder whats ever happened with some of these people in these 10+ year old threads.

why did this guy stop coming to fakku? did he find fortune?, a wife? a husband? i wonder
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