A question for homosexuals

FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
You know how a lot of heterosexuals get grossed out when they see two homosexuals kissing? Well, do homosexuals feel the same way when they see two heterosexuals kissing? Or could it be that they are immune to it due to constant exposure in the media and irl?
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
So heterophobia? Fair to say I'm not disgusted or anything by two people of opposite genders kiss. I think since almost all homosexuals are raised in heterosexual households and areas that we are used to it even if it isn't our thing. The opposite is also probably true in the same way that not a lot of people have extensive interaction with a lot of homosexuals so seeing something outside the norm may appear weird to them. I really don't know why so many people have such a problem with two people of the same gender kissing. Then again human psychology is a bug bundle of fucked up regardless of my understanding.

Either way, I'm sure some people don't like seeing any couple kiss in front of them a lot. I have friends (gay and straight) who kiss a lot in front of me and it can get annoying regardless of sexuality. I'm completely fine with seeing heterosexual people kiss though, shouldn't matter who kissed who to me, as long as the couple is happy. Or going to have a good time and then part ways. I don't judge.
Regardless of who's kissing who, most people would feel discomfort seeing people kissing in front of them, and that's probably because of some unconscious frustration/tfw you get forced out of a dialog or eye-contact, but I guess it hardly depends on the individual.

Given that, I think heterophobia is a nearly non-existent phenomenon.
im pan, so i can only speak to half of it, and only from a personal pov, but im very uncomfortable with any pda, of any kind.
coming from a heterosexual, i don't feel uncomfortable when two homosexuals (of either gender) kiss. like, obviously in a public situation seeing any two people kiss regardless of gender can be uncomfortable, more for the fact that it makes me realise i'm alone and don't have anyone myself anymore xD

but i would never feel 'put off' by two guys or two girls kissing.
They might has an inversion to vaginas but kissing isn't that horrible.
Im bi, so i obviously dont feel disgusted by any gender combinations, BUT: i might become uncomfortable if any type of couple starts making out as if its their wedding night in public.

But if its in a moderately private setting, i may/may not ask if i can join the fun ;3
no matter the type of couple; I hate PDAs Save it when you get home; no one needs to know that you two are in love
Dark Anon wrote...
no matter the type of couple; I hate PDAs Save it when you get home; no one needs to know that you two are in love

I don't think that people who kiss in pubblic do it for other people to notice or for "showing off", I know some do but that's just plain retarded, on the other hand most couples just do it because they feel like it, nothing wrong with it.
If you mind you're either biased or embarassed.
I'm bi, so it really doesn't bother me, but I know a few people who avidly dislike heterosexuals... but I don't think that's enough to prove the existence of ''heterophobia''
Most of my male homosexual friends actually dislike seeing two girls kissing and such but they don't mind heterosexuals. Same goes for my Lesbian friends. I'm straight and I'm okay with most tbh.
At worst, there's some jealousy, but I don't think it can ever be seen as disgusting as the homophobic parallel sees it. The primary goal of the same-sex movement is to get past emulating hetero couples and actually being considered couples by themselves, so it'd be self-destructive to view hetero PDA as gross.