About how long have you been visiting FAKKU?

About how long have you been visiting FAKKU?

Total Votes : 4,460
Somewhere between 3 and 4 years. Can't remember if I browsed before I made an account or not.
Misaki_Chi Fakku Nurse
Almost 3 years now even though I took a break from the forums for quite a while when I first joined.
My profile just hit three years, but I was lurking around long before I joined. I'm guessing 4 or 5 years in total.
Holoofyoistu The Messenger
I think the site is amazing as is, and any additions are icing on the cake
Had my account for 1 year. Been coming back for 7 years.
I don't remember how I found this site, but I've been here for 2 years. As for something I'd like to see in the future, a way to organize my favorites into different categories would be nice :)
I discovered fakku back in late 2011 and made an account in 2012. Such an excellent site.
5 years.... a blink of an eye....
Going on year number seven by now. I leave for months at a time sometimes, but I always come back without fail.
I've been visiting this site for years, only was too lazy to make an account
registered for a year and lurker for 2 before that so 3 in total. great site with the easiest way to read, the arrow keys. No other hentai site does that, only manga sites do.
I'd have to say it's been about 4, maybe 5 years since I found fakku, but like others, I've only just made an account recently. Everything is awesome, except, I wish there was a history on fakku, so if you forget a title or something you can go to Account history, instead of wading through page after page of tags.
4.5 years though only made an account 3 years ago...
you should have more tags, such as a "pegging" tag
ThatOtakuDude wrote...
I have been about that fakku life since I was in 5th grade and I'm in highschool now as a sophomore and I'm still reading but I didn't have my account back then but I would have had a five year account and I love how this community just works well together and that's why I don't go to other sites just because this community is just perfect and makes my day half the time and that's all I wanted to say thanks for the good times and for more to come

Someone's just asking to get banned...
i've been here for a long time, but just last year i decided to make an acc
Ive been visiting this site since my high school days. (2nd.Yr. I think That makes it 6 years since then)
Been visiting for five years, been an official member for four. My only regret is not joining sooner.
Been a member for almost 2 years now. Lurked for an additional ~2 years. Back when Tayutayu was #1 most favorited and that Naruto one was the most popular
Well, my account just became a year old today, but I have been visiting Fakku for about 3 years now. Although I probably used it even before that without paying attention.
Didn't make an account until I found the interesting forums and noticed I had the site first in my bookmarks.