Am I the only one not satisfied by vanilla anymore ?

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Like, after getting used to see hardcore stuff etc in doujins etc, in the end it's almost impossible to find satisfaction in vanilla, it doesn't feel "strong" enough for me to feel excitation, am I the only one ?
Not the only one. I can rarely find vanilla that is good enough for me.
I'm numb to feels. I have sexual deviation paraphilia.
To me that sounds like someone saying that they started eating apples but now they're not satisfied with them anymore and started eating rocks. I've always just liked what I've liked.
Depends on the mood for me. Sometimes after too much hardcore stuff I just enjoy vanilla and warm doujins much more
Sometimes the feels can be a bit too much, especially if it ends on a melancholy note, or if you're just that invested into the story... vanilla is alright but can be a bit ehhh sometimes.
some vanilla is ok, but id only be interested if its really cute or i like the characters. otherwise when im horny i really prefer more hardcore stuff.
fasdfafd wrote...
To me that sounds like someone saying that they started eating apples but now they're not satisfied with them anymore and started eating rocks. I've always just liked what I've liked.

Comparing something edible to something inedible is not a good comparison. I think a more apt comparison would be if you started drinking apple juice and weren't satisfied so you started drinking cranberry juice. It's more tart and has a kick to it. And maybe you want your drinking experience to have a kick to it instead of just flavor entering your mouth.

Also, this is me completely. The plots in vanilla are so boring that I don't care and the only way I would is if it's an artist I like or the writing is good like Ikuhana Niiro or Fujimaru. Other than that, give me my futa, shota, loli, sluts, big tits, gangbangs, orgies, deepthroat hentai. If I'm gonna masturbate, I'm gonna go hard.
623 wrote...

Also, this is me completely. The plots in vanilla are so boring that I don't care and the only way I would is if it's an artist I like or the writing is good like Ikuhana Niiro or Fujimaru. Other than that, give me my futa, shota, loli, sluts, big tits, gangbangs, orgies, deepthroat hentai. If I'm gonna masturbate, I'm gonna go hard.


This is me as well. Most generic vanilla stories are just a lot of cute fluff with sex scenes. The problem is that from most artists the fluff doesn't build towards or amplify the sex in a meaningful, engaging way. It's almost as if the artist put the sex scene there just to categorize the release as a hentai instead of a shoujo and expects the reader to get off on the cute fluff. Only the really good artists consistently put good enough plot, characters, and interactions in their releases to make the fluff interact with the sex in an truly erotic way. And when one of those artists hits, it is hentai nirvana.

With other genres, the fluff is no longer there so there is no crutch for the artist to lean on. They have to embed the eroticism into their stories by taking it in different, and sometimes extreme, directions. Yes, there are bland non-vanilla hentai but you're way more likely to find bland vanilla hentai.

I still find some generic vanilla to be enjoyable to read but as 623 said, if I'm gonna masterbate I'm gonna go hard, so that's why I'm into non-vanilla genres more.
Eh, not really. I like the vanilla stuff just as much as I used to although I have found that a lot of the stuff that used to disgust me I now find more arousing that anyting vanilla.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Too much of a good thing makes them all feel same-y.

I like reading them but I don't get off to them. Unless the art is really good.
I go back and forth. Vanilla that has a good storyline and is well drawn is still good to me.
nope, quite reletable
depends on the story line
Split133 wrote...

Most generic vanilla stories are just a lot of cute fluff with sex scenes. The problem is that from most artists the fluff doesn't build towards or amplify the sex in a meaningful, engaging way. It's almost as if the artist put the sex scene there just to categorize the release as a hentai instead of a shoujo and expects the reader to get off on the cute fluff. Only the really good artists consistently put good enough plot, characters, and interactions in their releases to make the fluff interact with the sex in an truly erotic way. And when one of those artists hits, it is hentai nirvana.

That's a good summary. Hadn't thought about it in the context of hentai, but that's definitely been my problem with most eroge. Fortunately for them, the cute fluff usually is good enough to carry the work (where the games are often better in their all-ages incarnation).
Uvix wrote...
Split133 wrote...

Most generic vanilla stories are just a lot of cute fluff with sex scenes. The problem is that from most artists the fluff doesn't build towards or amplify the sex in a meaningful, engaging way. It's almost as if the artist put the sex scene there just to categorize the release as a hentai instead of a shoujo and expects the reader to get off on the cute fluff. Only the really good artists consistently put good enough plot, characters, and interactions in their releases to make the fluff interact with the sex in an truly erotic way. And when one of those artists hits, it is hentai nirvana.

That's a good summary. Hadn't thought about it in the context of hentai, but that's definitely been my problem with most eroge. Fortunately for them, the cute fluff usually is good enough to carry the work (where the games are often better in their all-ages incarnation).

I haven't played a lot of vanilla eroge, but I suspect the reason why the cute fluff can carry the game is because the script writers for the game have more lines to work with. If we imagine the length of a script for an eroge and the length of a script for a hentai, the eroge script must be over 10 times longer. So that allows them to make the cute fluff reallllly fucking good. It's just really hard to make good enough cute fluff when you are confined to around 18-20 pages where most of the page space is occupied by different images. Speaking of this, I noticed that most of the vanilla hentai that I enjoy are actually longer than 20 pages or are a multi - chapter series and that most of the ones that fall flat are those under 20 pages. Go figure.
The art is more important to me. Vanilla or NTR doesn’t matter.
Art is definitely more important to me but given how popular NTR is in Japan, I'd almost categorize that as more vanilla than "vanilla" at this point.
i got that feeling too that vanilla is sometimes unsatisfactory but after raeding other kinky genre i find myself back to vanilla

so i guess anything becomes 'whatever' after reading a lot the key is just to have a change in pace perhaps?

art is definitely main point
I find that I tend to cycle through what I read in order to not let any one fetish grow stale and overused.
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