Are you an S or M?

Are you a Sadist or a Masochist?

Total Votes : 368
Why choose only one when you can be 2..Anyways I'm both - totally depend on the girl Im sleeping with, some like to be in control while some like to be controlled.

But I get turned on more doing "S" stuff to a girl. If a girl you work with say to you "I like to be insulted - just after work" and blinks to you - You know she wants to get laid and get controlled.
I am more of an S really dominant in bed. but i like to be told what to do sometimes too ;)
I'm so M it's painful.

Pun not intended, but happily provided regardless.
A little bit to S but many more to M
applesauce wrote...
Lollikittie wrote...
Because it's arousing to be dominated.
S 60%. Especially when they cries out of pain.
Both. It would be awesome to have sex with sadist girl and masochist girl at the same time....
Mostly sadistic, depends on my partners preference. Girls tend to like me being sadistic, liking the playful beatings and what not, but guys are the other way around.
Im a M, I like being punished. to be whipped and then get the salt in the wounds of the whip is the best.
80/20 towards S, and I can go the M route but it feels too forced on my part since I like doing the controlling.......... :)
Sadist, as in I like to be dominant, not as in "I stick needles into people because I like it.".

Sadist in the way that I like to control the alter, so that I can look for the perfect way to tease him/her. Denial play is so nice <3.
But I do have a tendancy to go for what will be most enjoyable for the alter. I like giving pleasure, in the way I think most efficient or arousing, and in doing so making the alter unable to stop me and struggle helplessly.

I do so love the helplessness <3.
90% M, 10% S... :P Haha, I'm not into the INSANELY rough pain stuff, just humiliation, spankings, etc...
About 95% M, 5% S
I'm a sadist, but indirectly: I LIKE TO SEE PEOPLE SUFFER, but when they suffer because of their own stupidity.
I'm niether. I do like to be dominant, but not when it involves hurting someone. I obviously don't get off on pain either.
I am 70% M and 30% S, I'd like to be commanded by some pretty ojou-sama, but not the pain, just sex and slavery.
iMuse Kuroneko is mine
I would say 90% M 10% S
I fuking going beat ya pig I'm a S so ya.....,,
Monster Girl
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