Around what time do you wake up for the day?

Around what time do you wake up for the day?

Total Votes : 5,843
Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
I usually wake up way early for no apparent reason, so I just get up early.
I suffer from insomnia from time to time so it varies, but usually I sleep in because I find it hard to get out of bed.
5:30 for classes
and whenever I want for days off
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
Just so happens my internal alarm wakes me at 5 am every morning...It's horrible.

But hey, i get to check out FAKKU earlier too so no real complaints here!
Wake up in the morning not giving a single fuck
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
like 8am during the school year. but now that its a holiday its been more like 11am
i get up at 5:30 am then i watch anime for 3 hours and then i go to work
School suck -_-
7:30 am for classes, but normally I'd wake up at 9.
Now I do not like sleep. I know, it sounds weird but it is true, I do not like to sleep but I have to.
So I try to stay awake as long as I can. But when I do fall asleep I usually wake up between 7:00am - 1:00pm.
When you sleep you miss out on so much, whether it be something to see or something to do.
I hate having to wake up early for work. It's weird, you know... on days I have to work I have trouble getting up, but I wake up early on the days I have off! My internal clock is trying to ruin my life.
I work until 02:00, and I don't go to sleep until about 08:00. So I wake up normally around 16:00. Though lately I rolled that back an hour because snow and shoveling and god I hate winter...

I don't understand why people go crazy about "sleep schedules" and what is correct. Honestly as long as you sleep enough, be where you need to be, and get what you need to get done, what does it matter when you sleep?
I usually wake up at 07:00 when i'm working, and around 09:00 when i'm not :)
I wake up in either the afternoon or at 6pm depending on my work/class schedule
i work the nightshift as security for a powerplant i clock in at midnight and clock out at 9 am first couple weeks sucked ass but now my sleep patterns have ajusted and i feel fine now (really do love my job even if it is boring =P)
For classes i wake up at 7:30 am but when i can i don't wake up till about 4 pm
I wake up whenever I need some loving or fap time...then back to sleep.
7 AM whenever I have to go to college. any other days I wake up around 11~13
around the crack of noon unless needed earlier
Monster Girl
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