Can you handle graphic images?

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Keitaro Ito wrote...
The only thing I cant stand is when a girl shits herself in front of a bunch of guys and still get raped afterwards. I forgot what type of hentai is that and too tired to search for the right term.

I think that's scat...?
i can handle it all even im eating
Yes, the only thing I can't handle is yaoi
I've seen scat and guro, hentai and IRL

I ask myself how I sleep at night sometimes
otakumax wrote...
I've seen scat and guro, hentai and IRL

I ask myself how I sleep at night sometimes

You've actually seen someone getting crapped on!? O.e

OT: I've seen the films known as faces of death and slasher films as a kid which thrust me into the world of guro. It's initially jarring but the more I look at the image, the more it doesn't disturb me as much.
I can handle basically about anything nowadays.After watching this nothing fazes me anymore.
Click at your own Risk!
I dont understand...if its hentai/manga I can but I wont like it. If your talking rl porn hell no, ew, and why.
I can't handle scat/piss, but I can handle most guro... but if it involves a young child or an animal, no. If I do bring myself to watch it anyway, I'll be disturbed for a long while afterwards.
Yes I can handle graphic stuff, And i kinda like graphic/scary images, One of my favorite artist's exclusively draws unsettling images.
Loner the People's Senpai
I try not to look at that stuff because I feel not so much sick but dirty after seeing that stuff. I can handle if I need to but I don't seek it out. I found that videos are more fucked up just because of the audio and being able to hear those sounds. Gifs and pics don't bother that much though.
I can handle most anything in anime though i can't explain why. I cant handle any real life gore or torture but i can handle some blood shed. The saw movies fucked me up as did a film called autopsy. Don't recommend either of them.
I am into these kind of stuff~ (Dont judge me though.)
Well I can get by without having my sleep messed up by it, but certainly would avoid things like gore whenever possible. I suppose in the end, it just creeps me the heck out.
I have found that the best way to deal with such things is to laugh at it and turn it into something vaguely funny. You don't necessarily laugh at the material itself, but perhaps that there is someone out there who actually enjoys such things. A friend of mine had a similar issue, however, my method eventually lead to him enjoying the disturbing material.
Spend enough time on 4chan and other sites and you get used to it.

I don't like it, but it doesn't affect me as much as it used to.
Meh, I'm cool with it personally.
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