Chinese Protester crushed to death by Steamroller

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Disgusting... This is one of the reasons why China is being labeled as "one of the most hated countries", their Government sucks a hundred times more than others.
I knew China was bad, but damn. That's just downright cruel.
China's reputation is really taking a beating huh?

I don't like the fact that they think they can take any land (or islands) they want from countries they think they can bully.

I also don't like the fact that there seems to be a lot of scandals and of course the by now well-known corruption within its politics.
Gravity cat the adequately amused

Accident or not, that's not gonna help China's reputation any.
I saw that when I was on Sankaku earlier this morning. Those Chinese are building up one helluva karma comeback.
Thats terrible, left a bad feeling in my stomach when I saw the uncensored version of the crushed man too.
This is horrible.
Read about this. I really don't know what to say, it's fucking horrible.
Damn, that shit's fucked up.
Steam: They see me rolling.

Saw this on Sankaku a few days ago, shit's fucked up. Is it that easy to decide on killing someone.
[align=justify][color=green][font=verdana]Jeez Louise. That's nasty.

But, in all honesty, can China's reputation get any worse? This is just another notch on the post for them.
That's some fucked up shit right there. Goddamn, China just can't keep this up. If there isn't a revolution, it'll collapse in on itself.
Gaijin Encarmine wrote...
That's some fucked up shit right there. Goddamn, China just can't keep this up. If there isn't a revolution, it'll collapse in on itself.

Uh. I'M still in disbelief of this incident. It would have probably made American headlines if it was true, none the less Beijing has been behaving because of the Olympics and because of the UN meet (I was in Beijing less than a month ago, trust me on this one). The images seem a little suspect to me as well.

edit: I take this back. I didn't see that it wasn't taking place in Tianmen.
Oh man, had the pleasure of sitting in a debate on this was pretty dark..
Man, Karmic Retribution is going to strike hard when it arrives. I wonder what the local populace are thinking about this right now?
china ehh!Land with no WARRANTY!
they Fuckedup their citizen with biased and baseless law of the Country!
its how china rolls.
Why am I not surprised after reading these...?
... It's china, what did you expect?
Seriously, is it really justifiable to blame a entire nation for one man's mistake?
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