Creepiest thing that happened to you in the last few days.

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I'm doing this as an instantaneous post, because just now and add popped up with a video of and old couple, as in 60s/70s, naked and all, apparently playing chat roulette and asking their interlocutor to use his foot.

It sent chills down my spine.

What about you? anything creepy appeared lately, apart from when you were playing Minecraft?
I was Going down to the basement to set clothes down for laundry, and when I went to reach for the door, It slammed shut. I was alone in the house for a few hours. I ended up just going downstairs and finishing the laundry.
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
I played several hours of Dead Space after midnight then went to bed. I was pretty creeped out.
It was nighttime, I was drawing some character designs then suddenly a stray cat leaped to exit my room through the window. It startled me since it came from nowhere. It was just standing at my room window now, preparing to jump on the roof, then I gave it a slight tap and it jumped. We stared at each other for like 10 secs lol
I thought it said "The fuck you do that for human", it was orange colored mixed with black.

It probably came from the Veranda of our house then got into my room, since my door during that time is open.
Random nightmares with random content
I saw Ghost Rider, but that wasn't particularly scary. Still the creepiest thing I've seen so far.
Playing Yume Nikki.
mantisprime1250 wrote...
Random nightmares with random content

Those who have been enlightened by the internet suffer these.
creepy stuff happens to me on a regular basis...(almost everyday)
Something that sent a chill down my spine? Seeing Yusuke after Toguro killed Kuwabara. Also everytime I leave the store, there's a pitch-black alley that in the day looks normal but at night becomes a tunnel of weird and metallic noises. There's also that feeling of being watched but that's not scary.
I saw a Tumbleweed rolling in the street in London.....yeah....
My Parents asked to go on a Double date with me and My Boyfriend. O.e
An older women in her 60's winked at me and called me cute e_e
Im hearing sounds coming from my basement.
I woke up , looked around and went back to sleep < endless loop >
otakumax wrote...
mantisprime1250 wrote...
Random nightmares with random content

Those who have been enlightened by the internet suffer these.

In between the nightmares and random dreams I dream about back when I had a fuck buddy, only to wake up at 4am with a circus tent on my bed
I've been seeing a guy standing outside the gates of my apartment complex every night for 3 days.
Shinzumakami wrote...
I've been seeing a guy standing outside the gates of my apartment complex every night for 3 days. slightly deranging to say the least.
i read this
Gubi wrote...
Just now an ad popped up with a video of and old couple, as in 60s/70s, naked and all, apparently playing chat roulette and asking their interlocutor to use his foot.
I saw a spider eating a centipede today.
which led to me burning my desk.
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