Dance Choreography

Put up videos of dance choreograpy that you feel is noteworthy or just plain AWESOME.

And yes, Freestyle dancing isn't included. Just plain choreography.

Whether it be from some TV show *coughABDCcough*, some competition, dance routine, practice video, from a music video or wherever else. As long as it's choreography that you feel is noteworthy, POST IT HERE!!

One of my friends made me look at this choreography of a Kpop group and I was amazed by the hand work. :3

Yuuki wrote...
One of my friends made me look at this choreography of a Kpop group and I was amazed by the hand work. :3

Oh cool. I was looking for the dance practice of this song. thanks! :D
Uzumaki101 wrote...
Put up videos of dance choreograpy that you feel is noteworthy or just plain AWESOME.

And yes, Freestyle dancing isn't included. Just plain choreography.

Whether it be from some TV show *coughABDCcough*, some competition, dance routine, practice video, from a music video or wherever else. As long as it's choreography that you feel is noteworthy, POST IT HERE!!

00:18 The girl trips over her fellow dancer's leg, ouch. Good recovery though.


Too late to notice but..... Why was this put into the music section?

Sure, it might include music, but it doesn't really focus on it alone. It's mostly about the choreography :|
Uzumaki101 wrote...
Too late to notice but..... Why was this put into the music section?

Sure, it might include music, but it doesn't really focus on it alone. It's mostly about the choreography :|

i agree. seems like random or IB would fit a little better. possibly even sports and fitness.