Do ero-mangaka fap to their own manga?

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I was reading (and enjoying the pretty pictures in) the great Homunculus's new tank Hajirai Break when my brain got sidetracked with the task at hand and posed me this little question - "Do ero-mangaka fap to their own manga?".

I mean, if I could draw like Homunculus, I don't think I would have any qualms enjoying my own work like my readers. It should be a given that a mangaka must be passionate of his/her own works right, if not they probably wouldn't be able to make a good one. And I wonder if the editors of ero-mangaka peruse the works of the authors under their supervision? I mean, if Homunculus's editor wanted to take five while editing his chapters, who could blame him/her, right?

And on a related matter, to all you hentai scanlators out there, I would like to pose you a question. Have you ever took five (or 10, or 20, or 30...) while editing a chapter? Or do you act as professionals and force yourself to separate work and pleasure? Let the discussion begin!
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Would you masturbate to your own child if she was smoking hot by the time she got to 18? Probably not. That's what I'd imagine it's like for mangaka - they don't masturbate to things they've produced.

I'm up for discussion from sources with experience on the subject though.
I'm not a scanlator.

I don't think an artist would fap to his own work, for he would did so from when he fantasizes the page, story or the character it self. I know that from when i was painting nude pics with canvas.

Not with the other parts of the publishing process, though. Everything after the manga was finished is just to edit what the artist did and so, i think they would just take their time to... answer teh call of duty. :D

Thanks for reading my comment! :D
It's tough to objectively enjoy one's own work, to be honest, in any art.
Does Johnny Depp watch his own movies?
I've wondered about this before, and also whether or not music artists listen to their own music. I wouldn't be surprised or anything if they did.

But I have no idea whether they do or not - just go and ask them. It doesn't really need a discussion, just solid answers. It's probably some do and some don't.
[color=blue]You know i've thought about that for quite some time now. Not sure really, BUT I myself wouldn't fap to my own H manga as an artist, but i'm pretty sure the editors would? Its really relative. [/color]
I'm glad somebody finally posted this question. Like others have said, it probably just comes down to the individual artist. That's one way to tell if your awesome though. If you can draw stuff so hot that you want to fap to your own work then damn that's something.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
yurixhentai wrote...
I've wondered about this before, and also whether or not music artists listen to their own music. I wouldn't be surprised or anything if they did.

The fact is, however, music and art, especially erotic art, are two completely different things. I'm a musician myself, and even without creator's pride involved, I genuinely love listening to my band's songs, like a fan would.

OT: Never really drew anything erotic myself, so can't really say.
I would imagine they would.
I think sometimes, if they invented the idea off of something they fapped to then sure, if they wanted the characters to have developement and happy endings maybe not so much.
If I were an ero-mangaka, I would probably get the urge to fap while drawing, and then just forget all about the art.

*edit* But to answer your question, I personally don't think I would fap to my own drawings because I'd be too preoccupied thinking about other aspects, like self-critiquing.
artcellrox wrote...
yurixhentai wrote...
I've wondered about this before, and also whether or not music artists listen to their own music. I wouldn't be surprised or anything if they did.

The fact is, however, music and art, especially erotic art, are two completely different things. I'm a musician myself, and even without creator's pride involved, I genuinely love listening to my band's songs, like a fan would.

OT: Never really drew anything erotic myself, so can't really say.

If I could draw as well as Nise Midi or Homunculus I would fap to my own art.
I believe it depends on the individual and the product produced. Artists probably do listen to their own music and watch their own movies purely for the sake of enjoying them, but intimate and ero materials will probably depend much on the person who created it.

A similar yet not quite the same would be me, I'm a fighting game enthusiast and I like to go over replays of my matches with people for differing reasons. To find new tactics, strengths, weaknesses or I just felt like watching myself kick someones ass.
Sprite wrote...
Does Johnny Depp watch his own movies?

Johnny Depp said he does not.
I can draw ecchi pose
If I want a hentai, I could draw it myself but for me, I couldn't stand looking at my original drawn character indulge themselves in pleasure of sex and such
well I think the mangaka wouldn't fap to their own work since they will concentrating on finishing their work rather than fapping to it
I drew shitty porn when I was 12.

I fapped to it a few times.
If I were to draw H manga it would be something that I personally found wank-worthy.

I write music that I genuinely like listening to, so I don't see why I wouldn't fap to material that I drew.
I don't think he faps to it per se, sometimes when I make something I like to to look back at it and see my flaws and also to see how I can improve on it and make my next uh whatever I make better. I assume artists, musicians and video game makers like to do the same. So I don't think he wanks to it, but he does have a look at it
Loner the People's Senpai
I think it's a possibility. I mean, they are drawing what they find stimulating and arousing. It's like putting your fantasy girl on paper to physically see so I could imagine it happens.
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