Do you download porn?

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Do you download it, or do you just like it online or add it to collections? And if you download, do you download everything from your favorite artist or just the pictures/videos you like the most?

I feel the need to download it all as I hate it to come back to an artist and see that stuff got deleted or that the user doesn't exist anymore. But I also understand that you can't have it all and trying to download everything is just impossible, as there is posted stuff every second on each website and you simply can't keep up.
gammenon Story Junkie
Oh, you mean porn as in hentai. In terms of H-manga books, I try to buy/download all the works of my favorite artists because there isn't remotely enough I dislike to prevent me from wanting to do so. Sometimes an artist I like makes a chapter I'm not fond of, maybe even despise, but the rest over shadows it. And sometimes I download stuff from an artist that isn't particularly a favorite of mine but I like that particular story. As for room for my collection, I have a hard drive that's pretty much dedicated to storing the digital copies.
gammenon wrote...
Oh, you mean porn as in hentai. In terms of H-manga books, I try to buy/download all the works of my favorite artists because there isn't remotely enough I dislike to prevent me from wanting to do so. Sometimes an artist I like makes a chapter I'm not fond of, maybe even despise, but the rest over shadows it. And sometimes I download stuff from an artist that isn't particularly a favorite of mine but I like that particular story. As for room for my collection, I have a hard drive that's pretty much dedicated to storing the digital copies.
I see! What about other kinds of porn, images, videos, etc.? Would you make room for a physical collection or is digital on hard drives your preference? How about if an artist you like has like hundres of images. Do you download them all manually or do you even take in use software?
gammenon Story Junkie
accelheim wrote...
gammenon wrote...
Oh, you mean porn as in hentai. In terms of H-manga books, I try to buy/download all the works of my favorite artists because there isn't remotely enough I dislike to prevent me from wanting to do so. Sometimes an artist I like makes a chapter I'm not fond of, maybe even despise, but the rest over shadows it. And sometimes I download stuff from an artist that isn't particularly a favorite of mine but I like that particular story. As for room for my collection, I have a hard drive that's pretty much dedicated to storing the digital copies.
I see! What about other kinds of porn, images, videos, etc.? Would you make room for a physical collection or is digital on hard drives your preference? How about if an artist you like has like hundres of images. Do you download them all manually or do you even take in use software?

I've got stuff on the external hard drive I mentioned about from every other category, I guess (real-life, Western comics, games, etc.). Finding memory space to download copies isn't much of a problem for me personally bc I have the memory to do it - I own an 1 TB hard drive for material like what we're talking about plus I have a lot of free space on another 500 GB ext. HD. Downloading in bulk isn't a problem either bc the files I usually download are in ZIP folders. I just extract the jpegs into a created folder and delete the corresponding ZIP.

Now as for hard copies, I do have a collection of about 15 h-manga books or so but no, physical copies aren't my preference. They would take up too much space (I'd have like 3 full 5-foot shelves of H-mange on my wall if I was to keep actual books I have bought just from Fakku! alone).
Simple answer... No... But I do screenshot for my drawing reference. I only download H-mangas!
mangaka350 wrote...
Simple answer... No... But I do screenshot for my drawing reference. I only download H-mangas!
You don't care if videos or images you love gets deleted? I can't handle that lol.
haha yeah i'm the same. if i really love an artist, i prefer to download and archive them in a few separate places just in case something happens to them. or if my ISP gets really wonky and i lose the internet connection (there's nothing worse than that mid-fap).
treasureofcolors wrote...
haha yeah i'm the same. if i really love an artist, i prefer to download and archive them in a few separate places just in case something happens to them. or if my ISP gets really wonky and i lose the internet connection (there's nothing worse than that mid-fap).
Do you download all artwork seperately (right-click, save as...) or do you use special downloaders for every website?
Oh yeah, I don't always have internet access and I make albums just in case.

Used to DL movies but, too many warnings from my ISP :p
No, mainly just steam it, unless its a game.
I download stuff I don't think I'll easily find again and stream the rest. Don't need to have the 20+ TB around I'd need if I downloaded everything lmao
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Very rarely.
Used to a lot more.
Yes, I prefer download my favorite porn, because author can delete it or site can change his rules ( like tumblr). I feel calmer when everything is stored on my hard drive.
I still have some downloaded pornhub hentai vids. Shame Hub got rid of the download feature plus slaghtering all thouse sfw videos on unverified accounts.
I joylessly collect and organize every single piece of hentai that I have downloaded. It's somewhat of a hobby at this point.
Only stuff that is still hot post nut
Never have, never will.
I started doing so recently, because I hate when things get removed/deleted, and not being able to remember them. Guess that started to extend to hentai as well.
i'd like to so i can read it later in case i want to go at it but don't have an internet connection
Yes from pornhub
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