Do you ever want to get married?

Do you ever want to get married?

Total Votes : 6,328
Do you ever want to get married?
I already have plenty of waifus! :D
But in all seriousness, the first option.
Last one. My onee-chan is enough for me.
If I find the right person I possibly will. But who knows :D
Well, I Would love too...but...
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luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Of course I'd want to. Pretty much given up, though...

Also, awesome choice of topic image! :D
I've always thought of it as a stupid tradition. You don't need a document and a ring to symbolize your love for another person.
marriage would be a nice thing, as it symbolizes a kind of mutual love and commitment, but it requires much work to keep it steady and alive.
yess when the time comes
Yes,when I find the right person and believe that for everyone.
Marriage is an obsolete concept.

"If you really love me, you'll spend a load of money on a piece of paper that tells me you love me."

Yeah, I don't think so...
I want my marriage to be special and happy. I dont want to marry someone for the wrong reasons.
Still looking for that perfect girl. Tough out there but the battle rages on... Until then WAIFU BATTLE HERE I COME!!!!
Was that a trick question???
Yes, but I think that I need to deal with a few 'problems' of mine before I could commit to someone honestly.

I think my personalities too 'self destructive' at the moment, I need to check my head gear and im attempting to do something about that.

I know im getting 'old' and feel like that clock is ticking... I tend to rush things and right now im panicking which is double trouble.
Yep when i find the right person for now i have passed through a lot hard times when think its the right one well that one back stabes you but i will just say this
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So i will keep fighting until i find the right one that loves me for who i am and me too and i cherish that person as well and i will open my heart 100% to that person...
I hope for everyone else out there all the same
peace out
i like how around 3% of fakku users are married.
Sabers Praetor Unlimited Lewd Works
I already have plenty of all seriousness I dont believe that 2 people need a piece of paper to tell them they want to be together for the rest of their lives marriage is just a formality....a costly one at that and if you want your significant other to have the same last name its much cheaper to just go and get it changed. Now im not knocking marriage in the slightest if you have the money to do so go right ahead and enjoy it.
I wouldn't mind getting married if I met the right person, but unfortunately it would be illegal in my state.
[color=red]Yep, when I find the right person someday.

But I don't want to think about it for now, I still have a long way to go just to improve myself.
Probably will marry in next 6-8 years or till I'm READY.
Monster Girl
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