Do you have a girlfriend?

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Do you have a girlfriend?

Total Votes : 225
AnnieTMood wrote...
Had one once. I fucked up. Wish I could go back and fix things.
Chlor wrote...
Forum Image:
intelligence req blah blah.

Never ceases to creep me out.
Currently in love~ with my boyfriend. My only complaint would be that he doesn't value himself enough. Shy guys are so cute tho >.<. Especially the ones that share your interest. Or well, in my case, he kinda turned me onto hentai and stuff xD.

Well maybe a second complaint would be that people should stop devaluing him =/, just because he's not the orthodox definition of hotness. Besides he's pretty darn cute and sexy as is ;).
I am nonsexual, so no.
Yes, by the general definition of sexual relationship, actually in multiple

No, by the long-term loving definition, not for several years now, it sucked, it only gets you hurt, you have to be too naive to believe otherwise
Malkuth wrote...
No, by the long-term loving definition, not for several years now, it sucked, it only gets you hurt, you have to be too naive to believe otherwise

That, or you have to have no bad experiences. I which case there is no reason to believe it will get you hurt.

My parents are also over 25 years married [including what they had before that, it would be around 28 years], so I don't see why it shouldn't be possible.
Repressive social environment and/or naiveté
Yes, doesn't change how I act here or anything. I mean sure she doesn't look at H or isn't a pervert. But she knows i'm one and doesn't care so long as I'm loyal. So, yeah.
I have a girlfriend and I love her alot~

And no, me being with her doesn't mean I can't watch/read hentai. She was actually the one who made me come here so yeah xD And she comes here to read some mangas as well.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
No, but hope to be in a good one soon, with a girlfriend who I can share all of my interests with.

Yes, ALL means even hentai and Fakku. Hoping for too much, but a guy can dream, right?
Yes, I have a girlfriend.

She is my dream girl. We never had a fight before and I am sure we will don´t have any in the future. We understand us perfectly. I don´t give a fuck if people tell me that I shouldn´t treat her like she is a goddess, but fuck she is a goddess for me!

I didn´t tell her about my likes for anime/hentai etc. yet, but I am sure she will accept that. I will tell her that sometime.
No i don't have a girlfriend as of this moment, but i am trying hard as hell to find one.

The girls flirt with me but i can't tell if they are being serious with the flirting or they're just stringing me along for the hell of it.
Tsurayu wrote...

Wouldn't mind having a girlfriend, but I'm not going for a relationship until I can get myself on my own two feet. Once I have a car and a stable job then I might look for someone to share my life with. However, little point in sharing my life with someone else when I can't even handle my own life right now.

I think that goes for having a wife, not a girlfriend.

Anyway, I dont have a girlfriend either. The last girl I liked dumped me terribly without me doing anything wrong...women...who can figure them out?
zunar wrote...
Tsurayu wrote...

Wouldn't mind having a girlfriend, but I'm not going for a relationship until I can get myself on my own two feet. Once I have a car and a stable job then I might look for someone to share my life with. However, little point in sharing my life with someone else when I can't even handle my own life right now.

I think that goes for having a wife, not a girlfriend.

Anyway, I dont have a girlfriend either. The last girl I liked dumped me terribly without me doing anything wrong...women...who can figure them out?

I suppose it does sound like that, but that would because I'm too old to be looking for flings. I don't go into a relationship without at least the chance of it becoming something more.
Tsurayu wrote...
zunar wrote...
Tsurayu wrote...

Wouldn't mind having a girlfriend, but I'm not going for a relationship until I can get myself on my own two feet. Once I have a car and a stable job then I might look for someone to share my life with. However, little point in sharing my life with someone else when I can't even handle my own life right now.

I think that goes for having a wife, not a girlfriend.

Anyway, I dont have a girlfriend either. The last girl I liked dumped me terribly without me doing anything wrong...women...who can figure them out?

I suppose it does sound like that, but that would because I'm too old to be looking for flings. I don't go into a relationship without at least the chance of it becoming something more.

The bad thing about always looking for ''something more'' is that you will be heartbroken alot.
Boa~ wrote...
Yes, I have a girlfriend.

She is my dream girl. We never had a fight before and I am sure we will don´t have any in the future. We understand us perfectly. I don´t give a fuck if people tell me that I shouldn´t treat her like she is a goddess, but fuck she is a goddess for me!

I didn´t tell her about my likes for anime/hentai etc. yet, but I am sure she will accept that. I will tell her that sometime.

Fighting in a relationship is only natural. If a couple fights that doesnt automatically mean they're unhappy. Actually I think its more weird if a couple never fights about anything, especially if its a long term relationship (one year or more). Arguments and mild fighting is only natural and is actually good for the relationship. After me and my bf learned to fight and talk our relationship has become stronger. Letting some steam out once in awhile is good.

So yeah. I have a boyfriend and we've been together for 7 years now and neither of us regrets it :)
Raparperi wrote...
Fighting in a relationship is only natural. If a couple fights that doesnt automatically mean they're unhappy. Actually I think its more weird if a couple never fights about anything, especially if its a long term relationship (one year or more). Arguments and mild fighting is only natural and is actually good for the relationship. After me and my bf learned to fight and talk our relationship has become stronger. Letting some steam out once in awhile is good.

So yeah. I have a boyfriend and we've been together for 7 years now and neither of us regrets it :)

Yes you are right, I had alot of fights with my ex and that made our relationship stronger, but it was sometimes too much.

I think it is also not bad if you don´t have fights. That shows only that we understand us perfectly. I didn´t say or mean fighting with the partner would be bad or something like that. I totally agree with you there that fights make the relationship stronger.

7 years is alot and not compareable to my nearly 6 month. I said I am sure that there will be no fights, that´s only my point of view. OF COURSE I can be wrong with that.
zunar wrote...
The bad thing about always looking for ''something more'' is that you will be heartbroken alot.

I'd prefer to take my chances rather than pussyfooting around. I don't go up to someone and say "Hey, um, I want to you to know that I'm together with you thinking that we're going to get married someday." I'm not there to scare them off. I'm not even going in it with the mindset that I want that.

I just want to know that there is the option for a future with someone. I don't want to be with someone who is going to treat our relationship like it is a fling because I'm not going to waste my time with that person if they don't have an inkling of it being more serious than that.
I do in fact have a girlfriend, she's my first (and only hopefully) and we've been going out for over a year now and though there was one time where I almost fucked up our relationship with my lack of communication and stubborness things have flowed quite well. And yeah we both enjoy hentai quite a bit, though for the first 5 months we kept it a secret from eachother til I brought it up. guess I'm just lucky and we plan to wait til we get through college first before marriage though. Hopefully I can make it through with her.
Yes I do, and slowly getting her into anime and manga.

Btw, my avi best describes my reaction when she said yes to my confession. haha
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