Do you have any New Years resolutions?

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Do you have any New Years resolutions?

Total Votes : 2,394
no more junk food
1) Stop being aggressively terrible for a Support role (DotA 2)
2) Cut out junk foods, and sweets
3) Go on a diet (for the nth time)
4) Gonna FAP on some new release doujins (Old Habits never die ROFL!!)
5) Find some girlfriend (probably)
6) Alas Winter is Coming!!, er i mean Spring is Coming!! (Game of Thrones Season 6)
7) Anticapating on a New Anime called "Death Parade", Digimon Adventure Trie (Childhood)
8) Going to take the Board and pass it! (Definitely a must!,almost 2 year N.E.E.T)
9) Keeping Clash of Clans & Summoner's War Active as always
10) Finish unfinished, unwatched Anime or Series

~~FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP and Away!!!
my 2015 New Year's Resolution
I would rather work towards and improve things all year, rather than just setting a New Year's Resolution every year.
Lurker3173 wrote...
Holoofyoistu wrote...
To get a new apartment and a higher paying job

Oh hey comrade!

you looking for a new place too? kinda sucks dosent it, you see all these places you want, but everything is way to expensive. Than you find a place you can afford, and your like "fuck."
Just maintain my health and not be lazy
I did till I realised I couldn't fap fast enough to lose the weight.
To find a job! C:
I didn't make one because new years resolutions are usually lies to cheer ourselves up in hopes of a bright future that we won't make happen. If we really wanted to make something happen making a new year's resolution wouldn't make or break it - in fact I'd say it wouldn't even factor for most people.
time to finally learn how to draw and start writing some story ideas down
2011, nothing change
2012.nothing change
2013 nothing change
2014 nothing change
2015...ate too much turkey...gained weight....I don't think anything change for the past years
Saying I have New Year's Resolutions is both true and not entirely accurate. I've got things that I'm working on/planning on working on, but I've already been resolved to do them/have been doing them for months now, so it's not so much a resolution as an intention to continue on the same path.
To expand my porn collection. And lose weight. Either way I've got one resolution I'm always working on
Not really; I'm too focused on catching what curveballs buying a home will throw to focus on bettering myself.
Mine are to start working again and learn to code. Though, trying to find a job is what I have been doing for the last year anyway.
Nope, nothing, spending it alone
Made a resolution to not make resolutions 3 years ago. Stuck to it, things have been fine. No goals=No dissapointment.
POCKETKING Faptastic Fapper
Learn Japanese and quit smoking.
Massive GAINZ. No but to be better than I was last year.
Marrying my girlfriend.
Erm. . . nothing I guess. Just live at my best and follow what my brain says, not my heart says.
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