Do you have tinnitus?

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Do you have tinnitus?

Total Votes : 56
Not sure if this is already a topic.

So, do you have it? If you don't know what it is: there are different sounds different people hear but if you've ever been to a gig and had that ringing noise afterwards, just imagine that but for the rest of your life. Use Google or Wikipedia for a better explanation.

I went to a lot of concerts when I was younger and always listened to my music on the highest volume for years. I remember after a concert the ringing noise would go away after a few days, but one time it ended up staying for longer than I expected, and I still carried on listening to my music too loud. It was only after it wouldn't go away that I ended up finding out I had it, and the fact that there's no official cure for it yet really scared me. I'm used to it now but on some nights when I'm trying to sleep it's really irritating and it feels like I'm going to go insane.

But I can live with it. In the end I did it to myself. People were always telling me to not listen to it too loud otherwise it would damage my ears, and being younger I was oblivious and ignored the advice. They should really emphasise it to people, because it's fucking annoying hearing it all day.

Here's an interesting section from wikipedia on tinnitus highlighting notable people with it: here.
Yeah, for a while I had no clue what it was. Until I was talking with one of my professors who had it as well.

I had a bad case of it, it would ring really loudly and painfully, and it showed on my face; he asked what it was and I said "ringing."

Long story short, there's medication for it, and I'm taking it. Still happens sometimes, but it's not painful anymore.
Loner the People's Senpai
Surprisingly I don't have it. I used to blast my music and work around loud noises all the time. I'm hard hearing as a result but one time I was target shooting with a shotgun and lost my hearing for two days. After that, I started taking better care of my ears.
I used to be in a drumline and band. So everyday I was exposed to high decibels. The drumline alone can produce 120db. I would have ringing ears after but it'd go within ~15-20 minutes. I've also been to a two Tiesto shows. Needless to say my ears rung after being expose to heavy bass and music for ~3-4 hours. But again it went away rather quickly.
No, but I wouldn't be surprised to add it to my list of ear problems. I have really, really bad ears. Lots of scarring and what not because I had terrible ear infections as an infant, clear through adolesence. My ears don't give me as much trouble anymore, but I always do get a lot of ear wax ironically, over production due to how poor my ear health is.

Haven't been to the doctor, and it might have healed itself, but I think at one point I had a hole in my eardrum as well. Would explain the random dizzy spells I had a few weeks ago during my sinus infection.
I do, but its very mild. Very very mild.
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
Sometimes, but it doesn't occur after I listen to music.
It occurs randomly, I mean as in out of nowhere.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I think I have a very mild case of it. It's like a very small ringing which I only really notice when I'm in a room with no sound at all. I've always got it, always had it, and I've been aware of it since primary school.
So now I know what that damn ringing was all these years. I think I only have a mild case has it comes and goes. Though whenever I'm vacuuming I always here an intense ringing.
i had it when i was born kinda, but they vary on days
No but at the rate im going il prob get it. Cause when I play biggie you could hear it for miles.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
I'm a musician, and I play and blast music loud. Doesn't help that I'm always listening to something heavy. So, who knows? Even though I don't have it now, I wouldn't be surprised if I do get it someday.
I go to rock concerts and listen to music loudly so its bound to happen to me eventually.
I don't have it and I doubt I will get it, any time soon. I'm hypersensitive to loud noises so I've never really liked loud noises, and it's also why I have to wear earplugs when I'm driving the truck for work.
I don't really have that but a ringing in your eyes can be very irritating.
i can't hear shit while i'm eating due to tinnitus. and when i'm eating something that's crunchy i'm practically deaf. i used to take some pills called ring relief and it can help if you take em consistently. two main reasons for this condidtion is either high build-up of wax or your little hairs inside your ears are dead. it's a shame too cuz now i rarely bump my gangster rap while ridin' in my car =\
I circulated through the punk scene here for a few years, and a bunch of us would hang out up front by the speakers with earplugs in. It sounds counter intuitive, but my ears survived it.
It's actually very uncanny that you made this thread because I just acquired it when I played my first live on the 5th of this month show with out ear plugs, although it is getting better. Last week was hell and I didn't know if I'd be able to sleep but luckily the ringing died down significantly to an almost inaudible level. I have to really concentrate if I wanna here the ringing in a quiet setting. I'm wearing ear plugs for now on when I play a live venue.
I hate loud music. Even in volume's moderation, I get those every now and then.
I dont have it, but I have felt that sensation before, not fun.
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