Do you like it when it rains?

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Yes, as long as I'm inside. I find it relaxing.
I love the sound of the rain. It is quite soothing. I love it even more when it is a thunderstorm and you're able to get those sounds of thunder in there as well. I get as giddy as a school girl when I start hearing thunder, but it usually doesn't last too long here in Wisconsin.
I have mentioned in my weather-related thread that I love rain; when it rains I open my window to hear its mysterious and hypnotizing falling, and sometimes go outside in my garden - I'd rather it rain than be boiling hot.
When the air is already cool then yes, but if it rained during a very hot day then no. It gets way too humid for me and it dosen't feel good at all...
jmason Curious and Wondering
Rain is good this time of year in my country. No chance for me to get sweaty, I get to wear my custom waterproof leather jacket to work, and drinking hot coffee/chocolate/tea feels much more better during these rainy days.
I love it, in fact, it was raining a while ago. I love to take a smoke on my porch while it rains.
Rain actually changes the chemical structure of the atmosphere. It changes oxygen into ozone which has a sweet smell but, is actually noxious. If you stand around a big copying machine or a heavy duty transformer you might have the same affect.
I love it when it rains because it's nice to hear rain drops hit your window. I also hate it because my internet connection fails for online gaming.
Yup i like it!
I've grown to like it more over the years. It's very relaxing unless I'm outside without an umbrella, then it's not.
rains my favorite kind of weather
This time of year, where I live?

No. The humidity is too high, and the rain doesn't cool it off; the rain is too warm to be pleasant, and it floods like a schoolgirl's first time.
live in CA, bay area
dont rain much
and when it does rain i run or go biking
it feels good.
Rain can be very nice sometimes, as long as it's not raining directly on me :P
I love rain but only when it rains for a few days. Anything longer is too much.
I love when it rain in my town case we do not get that mach rain.
I love when it starts raining just as I'm about to go to bed.
Yeah, rain is really relaxing. Perfect for taking a nap.
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