Do you prefer reading fiction or non-fiction?

Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction?

Total Votes : 3,235
fiction, all the way. I like everything from historic fiction all the way up to Science fiction. Mostly because I love to escape from my boring life and see something new and enjoyable. Just because I like fiction doesn't mean that a little non-fiction isn't interesting in occasion, but definitely fiction is my fav.
I vote Non-fiction but certainly, theres beautiful stories with fiction themes so its kind dificult to choose one or the other XD
porn, good video games & movies are ALWAYS fiction, so i like fiction better.
sadly i cant really vote because i read both and i can't vote for both of them. i do wonder why this lil over sight is missed with ever one of these polls their are those of us out here that like both sides but you are asking us to turn on the other side of us which we just can't do.
Fiction, obviously. It always surpasses non-fiction.
With the exception of anime and manga, I usually read/watch non-ficiton.
Depends on how good it is. But i tend to gravitate towards non-fiction beacuse i'm more of an action guy.
I like both because I like to read. But I voted for non-fiction because I like learning some stuff.
Fiction! Because everything i want to happen only came true in there!
Well I've spent a LOT of time reading graphic novels/manga so that usually means fiction. But i really like stephen King novels. and other horror/psychological/mystery novels in general.
I have nothing against non-fiction genres but I'm always fascinated by fictional stories.