Do you vote in FAKKU polls?

Do you vote in FAKKU polls?

Total Votes : 4,434
It's cool to see the results of each poll.
Most polls interest me, but in honesty some votes are just plain weird.
I vote in most of the polls, have done for a long time.
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
If they're interesting or have anything to do with me in any way, i suppose.

Opinions are always cool to look at anyway.
Usually I vote in them, so long as I find them interesting (and it's the case most of the time).
I vote cause it's easy and I like contributing to fakku in anyway possible.
Dat Last option. Oh the irony.

Anyways, I always vote.
"No, I prefer not to vote in polls"
Wouldn't answering that be rather contradictory?
polls are interesting :D specially when i can apply them on myself
I think we have seen enough of the do you vote in poll questions, because they have an inherent flaw in them. Because mostly, only the ones that are more likely to respond will respond unless you force them to vote upon entry into the site. Thus the numbers gained are pointless and have no meaning other than trolling for comments.
lol at the people who voted no.

I vote at polls because it's fun I guess.
I usually only vote when they apply to me.
you should have had a "no, i never vote" option.....
Livided FAKKU Writer
Polls are always fun. =)
Whenever I see one It's usually pretty interesting, so yeah.
Well I also usually vote at polls.
Though it is actually only something I started doing not to long ago. Despite having this acc for some time now.
But well I guess it also because I am gonna shape and begin to be more active here in fakku. Which is something I have been too lazy to do :P.
I think the polls are a pretty cool touch. It helps that it's on the homepage of the site, cuz it actually looks like it's pretty active.

Which, if your a member already you would know, but for newcomers, it's an advantage for the site that nonmembers or newcomers to see some activity. Even unsociable ones or ones that don't care to post or that are to shy to post, will might think "well atleast this site is kept up or their open to voice" from first glance.

I'm a very careful person when it comes to sites, So In my case, it kinda appealed to me for a bit. The polls just need to be updated alittle more often IMO... But that's just my opinion~! :D

But yeah, whenever the poll applies to me, which is most of the time, I'll vote.

[size=12]It's fun to see other opinions. Plus I liked to see statistics. I'm weird like that. XD
This my sound lame but the biggest reason i wote is cose im bored when there are no new doujinshi
so i want to see in what percentage my opinion is =)
Painkiller47 wrote...
This my sound lame but the biggest reason i wote is cose im bored when there are no new doujinshi
so i want to see in what percentage my opinion is =)

Could you re-spell that first part? No offense but, I have no idea what was said lol. Honest, not trollin'! Promise.
Wow that last option lol