Does anyone know about your hentai hobby?

Does anyone know about your hentai hobby?

Total Votes : 4,946
Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
I don't talk about regular pornography in the first place. Same deal with hentai.
Please don't tell anyone... :/
YES! my family really couldn't care less what my hobbies are as long as i don't interfere with theirs. as for my friends, they all know i'm an anime fan so they assumed hentai obviously followed.
surprisingly me and my sister know about this site O.o is that good? lol
Yeah, my friends and family know.

I have a couple of friends that are into anime and hentai, we talk about it sometimes quite a bit at school. As for my family, my dad most likely knows since I've been fapping to hentai for such a long time. However, he knows the word 'privacy' and doesn't do anything about it which I thank him for :3
[color=#2e1a6b]People in my gaming clan see borderline hentai pics all the time from me, but none of my friends or family know
I have Indian parents that use to beat me when I was young.
How do you think they would react to a grown ass man reading and fapping to hentai...
You guys know, that's enough :)
It's a personal hobby? Haha
Yes, I have friends and family who know. It just turns out that nobody cares. Better for me, really. In fact, some of my friends or co-workers ask me to link them to manga download I feel like a smut peddler sometimes.
I only show my hentai interest to my friends only...
Well, he love hentai too :v
I am the resident pervert of my friend circle, so I am constantly talking about the weird porn I see online. Just to reaffirm my status. Definitely better than being the group's verbal punching bag, for sure.
My friends know because it's simpler to talk to them about it, they're my age and most of them enjoy it too. My family doesn't, hell I won't even talk to them about normal porn, it's simply embarrassing IMO to discuss sexual things with family. I know they wouldn't care anyway but still.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
yes a lot of my friends know, but i only have one i talk to over it. he's the one that got me here to Fakku.
I went to Fakku's Hentai worth watching, with some friends, one year at AX. They were expecting lulz...but they were shocked at the fact that I recognized a lot of the hentai shown. Their responses were highly amusing.
My friends definitely know since they tell me I'm very obvious with this type of stuff. Parents on the other hand have seen some hentai pics on my screensaver and yelled at me for it but I doubt they think it's a hobby.
Only I know and some people outside of here know that are also on the Internet.
ZexionZero wrote...
surprisingly me and my sister know about this site O.o is that good? lol

My "incest potential" meter is off the charts! If you ever get in bed with her, tell us.
My friends and My family knows about my hentai hobbys ( -__- my friends are the reason behind that )
though even with the cat out of the bag they still treated me the same way as before.
They still found it a little wierd but they unexpectedly respected my honesty and felt a little closer to me because of it.
Who da thunk FAKKU could bring you closer to your family
Monster Girl
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