Does Your Family Know You Use Fakku

Does Your Family Know You Use Fakku

Total Votes : 688

Only my sister knows, but she's 24 and doesn't live with me.
Luckily, she only saw me the forums and not reading doujins.
I'm legally an adult so it shouldn't matter.
I don't live with my parents and sister so it doesn't really matter. But if they did find out, my mom would yell, my dad would blush, and my little sister would get a nosebleed (figuratively speaking).
Nope they don't
No, but my friends do.
Kinda, they know I translate porn as I have implied it, they could just google search "hobogunner" if they felt like knowing.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Hobogunner wrote...
Kinda, they know I translate porn as I have implied it, they could just google search "hobogunner" if they felt like knowing.

I'm thankful that my parents are computer illiterate. It is piss-annoying though, my mum frequently wants me to check something online and the way she says "Keep going" drills into my skull.

My parents have seen me using Fakku, but they don't know what Fakku is. I've had it on the screen a couple times and they asked who "Gravity cat" was, not knowing that it's me. If they knew what Fakku was all about I'm sure it'd be quite the different story, my mum grew up wrapped in cotton wool so she's got the emotional threshold of a child, and my dad would most likely want me to show him some internet porn to make up for the TV's lack of it. Bare in mind he's like 70-odd.
Gravity cat wrote...
Hobogunner wrote...
Kinda, they know I translate porn as I have implied it, they could just google search "hobogunner" if they felt like knowing.

I'm thankful that my parents are computer illiterate. It is piss-annoying though, my mum frequently wants me to check something online and the way she says "Keep going" drills into my skull.

My parents have seen me using Fakku, but they don't know what Fakku is. I've had it on the screen a couple times and they asked who "Gravity cat" was, not knowing that it's me. If they knew what Fakku was all about I'm sure it'd be quite the different story, my mum grew up wrapped in cotton wool so she's got the emotional threshold of a child, and my dad would most likely want me to show him some internet porn to make up for the TV's lack of it. Bare in mind he's like 70-odd.

I'm not that lucky(?). I've already opened up to my dad that I watch porn (told him around 15, and I have since I was 12, I'm 18 now). Though, I never hinted towards the hentai/doujin side at all, and as I live with my mom now (the main reason for the translation gig, no car to work on), she just minds her own business and remains ignorant of the fact. Also, thankfully, if you google me the first thing that pops up is the 'lighter' end of what I do. Though, I have randomly been introduced to people as "This is X, he translates porn." It's pretty awkward, but hilarious.
They know and they don't find it disturbing, just as long as I keep it under the table.
I don't advertise the fact but I don't hide it so I wouldn't be surprised. I've been known to be browsing various websites and my parents would just kind of walk over and look over my shoulder, I'd ask "Do you need something?" and they would walk away. My dad thinks he knows a lot about computers, but hes really just read a couple misinforming wikipedia articles, and my mom barely knows how to look at pictures on a laptop.

I guess they could know I come on Fakku, but not really what Fakku is.
My friends know for sure.
My family doesn't... Well I *think* my brother might know since he always trys to do similar shit.
Nope. Well, Maybe.
My aunt has seen me on the forum here and there, but she doesn't know what Fakku is. Which is good since she is a very religious person.
I have a friend that sorta knows- we were talking about hentai.

But definitely not family. They don't know how much into anime I am.
They have seen me on the site back when I had that survey up but I don't think they care to know. If they want to know they will google "fakku".

Gravity cat wrote...
I'm thankful that my parents are computer illiterate. It is piss-annoying though

We know the feeling
Forum Image:
Loner the People's Senpai
I doubt it. Family has walked by a couple of times but I was always on the forums so I doubt they know what site actually I'm on. I told my friend I'm into hentai (called it cartoon porn for simplicity sake) but I never told him what particular site.
PorygonPowah Genuine Lumberjack
My brother and friends know, but I keep it from my family. Friends are one thing, but an overly religious grandmother is another.
I don't think anyone but the community does.
Darzu wrote...
Yes, my family of one knows.

Nope. They know I like anime/manga, and probably know that I look at hentai... butttttttttttttttt I don't think it is their business to know exactly where I go to find this stuff. My boyfriend, however, knows and doesn't care (since he likes the same stuff). He made an account recently, but hasn't been too active thus far due to his other commitments.
Nope - They dont ask I dont tell. Though gf's and friends are an exception.
Older bro would not care, he hates anime. Lil bro would be amazed because you know.. hentai! (he's 14 and i would like to avoid awkward questions and conversetions) Mom would probably look at me like i was disgusting. Why would i tell them anything?