Does Your Family Know You Use Fakku

Does Your Family Know You Use Fakku

Total Votes : 688
Not really. Yet, if they discover me browsing it, I woulnd't care.
I generally don't keep people informed of my browsing. Though even if they did care what sites I went on probably wouldn't volunteer it :).
TheBookie King of Red
nope, they don't even know I look at porn......which is probably a lie, they most likely knew I looked at porn before I moved out but I'm sure they wouldn't think I would be on Fakku.
Nope, if they knew then it will probably be the end of our internet connection. Although I'm not a minor, they still think I'm a kid and seeing me browsing this kind of stuff would probably give them a heart attack.
My little sister does.
TheBookie wrote...
nope, they don't even know I look at porn......which is probably a lie, they most likely knew I looked at porn before I moved out but I'm sure they wouldn't think I would be on Fakku.

Same thing with my parents. They most likely know I look at porn, but they don't really talk about in my presence. I don't know if they know about the specific sites I browse though. I usually wiped out the cookies/history files of my computer after every use when I lived with them.
Def not they would excommunicate me.
I doubt they do.
Ah ya they do.
Why, should they? I do what I want, when I want.
I remember I was looking at something on my lap with my brother besides me, then a image (Non-H), on the Fakku! front page at that moment, pop out, then he shut his mouth and stay there, looking the image and me, with a face of "So... you too?"... That was a pretty awkward silence...
But thanks to that, now we share H-Manga and doujinshi's sometimes.
I don't know why they SHOULD know about it. My parents don't tell me when they have just finished having sex so why should I tell them where I go to, to get my jollies off? There is such a thing as a public and private life. I'm sure they know that I'm into anime and from that, hentai (if they even know what that is). If all else fails, the vocaloid blasting from my laptop at all hours of the day at least alerts them that I am not into the "norm".
my lil sister and me use the same computer and i found this site in my browsing history 3 years ago i think she was searching for some cardcaptor hentai and she even didn't know how to clean internet browser history,i she did maybe i weren't here now
My brother took my laptop and saw my history so i figured i would tell my family before he did. My brother laughed, sister slapped my arm, mother muttered something about don't you have a girlfriend and my dad said, "this is what your generation does i guess". All in all not a bad reaction.
My dad knows. But he doesn't know it's a Hentai site.
I don't have family, but everyone knows that I use fakku lol
If my family ever finds out that I've been going to sites like this....
let's just say that it will be the end of our family line.
iMuse Kuroneko is mine
umm no cause im a ninja
Not fakku, but I think they definitely know I have porn on my computer. (◐†¿â—‘)
Lunar Dream wrote...
No I believe what I do in my own time is my own Prerogative and its none of their business what I do or look at in my free time.