Does Your Family Know You Use Fakku

Does Your Family Know You Use Fakku

Total Votes : 688
Hell no, besides I haven't talked to them for about two months now.
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
Meh, no one cared enough to actually open the site and see what's going on here.
As far as I know, no one knows about is.
I said in a previous post that no body knew, but I think my mum has some suspicions. She came over to visit unexpectedly and I had to minimize the browser window as she walked through into the area where the PC is kept. Whether she saw it I don't know, but she definitely eyed up the minimized tab the said "FAKKU! All abou.." at the bottom.

Outside of my family, I think one of my friends know, though they haven't mentioned it. I use the username "platnumin" for most adult related sites to keep it separate from my personal life elsewhere, and I stupidly signed up to a site I frequently use besides adult sites as Platnumin because my usual name was taken. He wondered where I got the name from, googled it, and naturally the first entry was my Fakku profile... oops. I wish I knew people that had an interest in this kind of content, it's quite depressing keeping in what I see almost as a hobby. I might even have one or two friends that do like it, but they would never speak up about it, not publicly at least.

Odamust wrote...
Only my sister knows. She saw me opening a tab to Fakku. Luckily, at that time Fakku had a big banner-like sig on the top of the home page, so she couldn't see the mangas and doujins below. She asked what Fakku is. I answered that it's just a normal manga website. She then loses interest and leave.

You better hope your sister doesn't take an interest in manga for a while then! aha.
My Brother knows I use this website, nobody else in my family knows.
And unfortunately, my Brother stopped using Fakku.
I only voted no because most of my family doesnt know about it, the only one who knows is my brother since he introduced it to me
All my friends and family know I'm a anime fan. However, only my closest friends know I visit Fakku. Honestly, I have no idea how my family would react if they knew, and frankly, I don't want to find out.
No, not even my friends know lol.
They don't know and they never will if they found out I would take a knife and murder anybody who knows except for fellow fakku-ers (I'm dead serious) that is why I go to fakku using my phone with a special app that nobody can use but me
No one really know except one time my friend saw Fakku was on one of my top visited site in the new tab section and he happen to be a Fakkuer (?) as well. He didn't make a big deal out of it, but I was freaking out a bit. lol

Can't imagine what would happen if my parent know
My bro knows, only coz he uses it too. But he doesn't know that I post in the forums, he thinks I'm just here to fap.
Nope, they do not know, but even if they know, they won't care about it.
Besides, I'm old enough to do whatever I want
Without talking about it first, my group of friends and I found out that we all use this same site.
I would be horrified to have to sit down and talk about this place with family. :I
Hell Fuckin' no!!
My friends and family do. However my family think it's just a normal anime site.
siblings & friends do, rest of family shall never know
Onii-chan does but is too scared to tell me.
No, mother is religious and incredibly anti porn and little brother... I will have to punch myself out of shock on the day he becomes... sexually inclined towards it... and I'm not going to be the one to cause it (I would take so much heat -_-). He has unlimited, unmonitored internet (More than I had for his entire life ~bitterness~), let him find Fakku on his own.
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
Even if they do, I don't think they care, why would they?
I always leave Exhentai open on my tabs, and they never said anything.
nope. and they never will.