FAKKU! love it?

What keeps you comming back here to Fakku?

Total Votes : 45
Whats keeps people cumming back? If you have a different response then let me know!
Thks~ :3
Also i noticed all the mangas and stuff now has a subscription fee? how long has that been there? or is there a free area or a tag i can be pointed to or something?
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
We were slowly moving towards being a publisher and removed all unlicensed content from the site at the end of last year. We've now transitioned into a legitimate business which allows us to work directly with artists and publishers in Japan (As well as a few Western artists).
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I can't afford a subscription right now so I come back for the forums.
This place has uncensored hentai, and the people are cool as well.
I have a love for h-manga and this site produces some really amazing content. I've been blown away by some of the work here and if nothing else it's beautiful to look at.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Unfortunately, I had to cancel my subscription since I'm saving my money for something, so right now its the forums that keep me coming back.
Gravity cat wrote...
I can't afford a subscription right now so I come back for the forums.

Eventually will be able to afford, and will subscribe
FinalBoss wrote...
Unfortunately, I had to cancel my subscription since I'm saving my money for something, so right now its the forums that keep me coming back.

Similar situation here. I had financial issues that made me cancel my subscription. I keep coming back because of the forums and to see what new manga are coming out as books.
It is not like, I came back. Was not active member there before, but decided to buy some stuff in order to support artists and fakku. I've read a lot scans previously and having an opportunity contributing at least a bit feels great, also the quality is amazing, no censor :) I will think about sub later, for now sticking with books to pick:)
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
The community but sadly a lot of old familiar faces rarely show up.
Came for the H, stayed for the forums. Coming back because of the forums.
I'm no longer active but I still come back from time to time to see what's changed.
The forum has exhausted it's fun factor for me, and Doujinshi have been replaced by H-anime in my heart so.... no reason to really stay.
I legitimately don't know.

I force myself to check the forums everyday. But I can't say that I get much pleasure from doing so anymore.
Peltor wrote...
Came for the H, stayed for the forums. Coming back because of the forums.
Same for me too.
bongzilla Your Weird Cousin
Pretty much just here for the h-manga... Even before the change-over to subscription, I only frequented the forums rarely.
Monster Girl
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