Favorite and not so favorite accents

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Wow, I didn't realise so many people liked the British accent.

A common misconception which I usually hear from retards attempting to imitate a British accent is that we all speak the queen's English, which is not true it all. Most people don't speak like that here; it's usually politicians and old people. And I'm not limiting it to my area.

In response to the question, I really like broken English, especially when it's done by Japanese people.
British accent is my most favorite.
I loooove Russian accents.
Followed by British, Irish and Scottish accents.

I don't really like Asian and Spanish accents that much.
Australian's are fantastic. Also the super exaggerated Canadian accent is really good too.
British accents, however not the over-refined ones or the jumbled mess that some use (like crazy hobo talk, not slang) somewhere in the middle where it would sound fancy to the typical American Southerner, but sounds conversational yet different to most other Americans (such as myself). The other accents I fancy are strangely German accents, and people who speak with a sardonic drawl (not to be confused with a Southern drawl, just a Faction, sarcastic method of speaking I consider an accent).

Ones I don't like, American Southern, Midwestern, or New England. New Jersey accents are offensive to me being far I'm native to that state and I don't sound like a fucking moron. There are others, but in the interest of time I'll skip them.
British is my favorite. All the cool people have British accents. Harry Potter, James Bond, Obi Wan Kenobi, Jack Sparrow, Mary Poppins, Lara Croft, Ivy Valentine, and the list goes on.

I hate south-east Asian accents.
Favorites: Canadian, British.
Least favorites: Southern(USA), Chinese/Taiwanese accents, Indian, Thai, and when I'm speaking Chinese, the Beijing and Shanghai accents annoy me quite a lot.
My favorite and least favorite accents are actually both German ones. My favorite one is the North German one (I'm not sure what it's called) while my least favorite is Bavarian.

Other than that, I really like Russian and British.
I love thick Irish accents. Thiiiiiiiicccckkkkkkk ones. Followed by the obvious [British]. Us American women think the over-the-pond'ers are just 'irresistible'. Then followed by the American southern accent, specifically the kind spoken by kindly old southern women. My boyfriend's grandmother is one such a woman. I love her little southern phrases.. she's adorable.

Least favorite?


Russian accents. No matter what they say, it sounds like a threat.
I'm an Indian born American resident.

My favorite accent is by far General American (the dialect of most American cities outside of the northeast). Even in Texas, GA is what you mostly hear in the cities. Because I hear it so often, I fail to appreciate it as much as I should, but I still do love it. I'm also quite fond of many Boston/New York/New Jersey type accents, but I don't know the differences between them well enough to specify.

My least favorite dialect is by far Cockney. I don't consider it inferior or anything like that, it just doesn't please my ears. Received Pronunciation is okay, but still less sonorous than most American dialects.

I don't dislike Australian English, but I also barely understand the colloquial speech. I'm a cricket fan, and while flipping through the channels one day, I found some Australian domestic cricket. I swear, that for five minutes straight, I had no idea what the commentators were talking about. Even the words didn't sound English.

I've found that virtually all of the Americans I know, of all races, find "British" (I'm assuming they're referring to RP) accents attractive and my indifference to said accents weird.

Whenever a non-native speaker of English is speaking, I take great delight in analyzing their speech for traces of phonetic influence from their mother tongue :]
As a result, I always have great fun, but often forget to pay attention to the meaning of their words :[
Slovakian (or other similar Slavic) accents.

Followed by British and Japanese accents.

I hate (no offense) Nigerian accents. Well, specifically the accent of a Nigerian teacher I had. I couldn't understand a word he said because he sounded like he was yelling in a high-pitch squeal all the time. I hope it was just him.
Fav: Spanish, Scottish, and Russian.
Least Fav: British and Indian.
Aki-chan wrote...
I loooove Russian accents.
Followed by British, Irish and Scottish accents.

I gotta agree with this statement.
English came from England, I guess.
that is why European countries are the First
English communicators...

back to the question, British accents is no.1..
The way they speak feels like English is so EXPENSIVE.
Mah favorite accent be a nice rough Russian on a lady, and country Irish on a mate.
Tha accent ah hate the most is Good Ol' American Southern...makes 'em sound like a bunch o' morons, ah swear.
My favorites are British and French.
A bit of a Caribbean accent sounds sexy.

Least favorite?
Nothing specific. Just when the accent is super thick and I cannot understand a word-
Or just takes for ever.
I like the French Accent.

I really like the Kanto Dialect though.
my favorite accents are those from the UK. In all honesty I can't tell the difference between British, Scottish, and Irish but I like them all

my least favorite accents are those from New York and Boston. American southern accents also bother me, but only when they're the kind that speak real slow
I Absolutely Love French & Australian Accents, But I Have A True Distain For German Accents, They're So Aggresive, No Matter What Someone Is Saying!!! ❤
Hm, favorites would probably be British and Scottish.

Not really so much an accent I hate (unless now we do count Southern (United States)), other than that. Italian. Sorry, Italian may be the language of love, but the accent sounds... not sure how to put it, childish? Just the accent sounds so pedestrian so bland. Nothing charming at all.
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