Food to eat when sick

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Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Rice soup with bean curd, shiitake mushrooms, salted turnip, and chicken/turkey.
2 tsp sesame seed oil and 2tsp soy sauce
one small pumpkin cut in cubes
half a chicken, doesn't matter if raw or cooked
garlic powder and salt
cover everything under a layer of water.

Throw all inside in no particular order

boil covered and check it in 40 minutes.
For dry coughs, anything with ginger.

For colds, anything with red chili
Drink some Green Tea... Recent studies have found it to be a reliable remedy for all illnesses from a mere cold to something as serious as cancer. The Asians knew it all along, I guess that's what 3000+ years of trial and error does. Check out one of those Teavana stores or some other store that specializes in tea to get the good stuff.
for anyone that wants to know more food, i find this dinner by runnyrunny999 called "Yaki Onigiri Soup" it seems to be quite filling yet it doesn't affect my nausea.

ToyManC Forgot my safe word
When I have sore throat or a cold: Ginger ale, comfort foods (mac & cheese, grilled cheese sandwich, etc.)

Flu or fever: Lots of Iced tea and saltine crackers to nibble on.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
When I'm ill I don't have much of an apetite. I find drinking milk helps though.
I just eat anything I can get my hands on, like usual.

Or you could try:
1. 3 teaspoons of honey and a lemon with 200mls hot water
2. Chicken noodle soup
3. Porridge
4. Vitamins (my pharmacist mother recommends lots of vitamin c)
Generally try to avoid foods with a 'rough' texture so to speak, like fried chicken (makes a sore throat more uncomfortable). Can't speak for everyone here but I tend to avoid cold food as cold food and a sore throat adds up to weeks of non-stop coughing for me.
I always eat mac n' cheese, grilled cheese with tomato soup, or saltine crackers when I am sick.
ginger ale, and cherrios thats what i eat when im sick
Yeah, I usually do tea as well for sick days, thankfully I have been blessed with an iron will immunity.

I get bedridden maybe 1-2 days every 5 years or so. Typically I will have sinus issues during allergy season.

Any ways, the salt water trick works for sore throats, and if I'm having stomach issues then I stick to fluids for the duration.

I love eating udon when I'm sick, and drink some specialty lemon tea from Teavana.

That's it for me
I don't usually get sick but when I do it's either a super sore throat, stuffy nose and/or a migraine.
I make something spicy to eat, my favourite things to make it tteokbokki (Korean spicy rice cake) since it's the easiest, next best thing is kimchi stew and kimchi sujebi, also relatively easy to make but just really time consuming.
My food choices don't tend to change drastically even when I'm sick, unless whatever the ailment is happens to be affecting my appetite, which doesn't often happen. But, I will say that anything that's got some strong hot broth (chicken noodle, ramen, udon, whatever) does make me FEEL better...whether it does much beyond that I have no idea.
When i was in Canada, people there suggested Ginger ale and hot chicken soup for fewer and other winter sicknesses.

Tried it once when i had a fewer, and to be quite honest i have no idea whether it made me feel better or not, or whether it worked on the illness or not.

Ginger ale tasted good though.
try a steamed asian pear with rock sugar or honey
Xillia Full Time Waifu.
Coconutt wrote...
When i was in Canada, people there suggested Ginger ale and hot chicken soup for fewer and other winter sicknesses.

Ginger ale definately helps for sure. The chicken soup is an old Canadian remedy, I guess it could work through plecebo. But it tastes so good though...

In case your throat hurts and you find yourself sick again.
Gurgle salt water to get that nasty phlegm outta your throat. Drink lemonade and ginger tea.

I find that hearty foods like stews or rice porridge help alot with sickness. Avoid what my mother would call "hot foods" (ie. fried stuff) and eat "cool" soothing stuff.

Drink warm water throughout the day, as cold drinks definately hurt.
lastmousestanding wrote...
Ive got this really nasty cough which is making my throat really raw atm. I normally drink loads of lemon and garlic tea with honey and maybe make a nice warm beef stew/broth.

Was wondering what other people made/ate when they were a bit poorly. Any recommendations?

Lemon and garlic? I thought it was lemon and ginger that helps...
김치 wrote...
lastmousestanding wrote...
Ive got this really nasty cough which is making my throat really raw atm. I normally drink loads of lemon and garlic tea with honey and maybe make a nice warm beef stew/broth.

Was wondering what other people made/ate when they were a bit poorly. Any recommendations?

Lemon and garlic? I thought it was lemon and ginger that helps...

herp derp, meant ginger, not garlic.

always say garlic instead of ginger for some reason D:
lastmousestanding wrote...
김치 wrote...
lastmousestanding wrote...
Ive got this really nasty cough which is making my throat really raw atm. I normally drink loads of lemon and garlic tea with honey and maybe make a nice warm beef stew/broth.

Was wondering what other people made/ate when they were a bit poorly. Any recommendations?

Lemon and garlic? I thought it was lemon and ginger that helps...

herp derp, meant ginger, not garlic.

always say garlic instead of ginger for some reason D:

Oh ok, I know it's been a while, but what helped you get over the cough?
*being down with a cold*
I would totally recommend soup, vitamin rich food like oranges, lemon and fruits!
Else Hot water or camille tea if you like is the wonder liquid to cure you. Hate to admit it but honey will help too!

Else plenty of rest and stay warm~
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