Getting Rejected

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The title says i ask

How did you feel when you where Rejected?

simple answers are welcomed

As for my answer "At Ease"
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Um, how else would anyone feel? Hurt and dejected initially, and for quite some time depending on the person (might even be forever for some people), but I'd realize that it happens, and I can't let it get me down. I'd be letting myself down more if I stopped trying because of getting rejected.
I have never been rejected, cause i have never had the courage to ask someone out. though i think that if i got rejected i would be frustrated but also relieved since then i could move on.

Pretty much how I handle rejection. Sorry, could not find a better quality of this video clip.
Hmmm, Hurt, sad, and depressed a bit. It is really not as much of a surprise to me anymore though. Usually I just take no as a "no" answer so I try moving on and hopefully meeting somebody new. No real success yet but...what do I have to lose if I keep trying right?
ARCD wrote...
How did you feel when you where Rejected?

Depends on how I feel about them, and what's being rejected. Being turned down by someone I really, really want to develop a closer relationship with hurts a lot whole hell of a lot more than being turned down for some casual nookie with someone I'm lusting after in the moment.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Felt disappointed mostly. A couple of times I've felt betrayed in a way, because they told me they had feelings for me.
I don't exactly remember how I felt,
But i did stab him after...
I made sure to prepare myself ahead of time and to promise myself that I wouldn't let a rejection bring me down.
Depends on how much you wanted to be with the girl in question.

My last rejection hurt the most; I tried to break free from the friendzone. Unfortunately she had snipers posted on the walls in case I ever tried to escape (lol). Kidding, but she did say no. Hurt like hell and I was terribly disappointed. I asked if nothing could ever come of it, then got the most friendzone response ever:

"I love you so much that I want someone like you, but I can't see you that way."

Unfortunately I tried to continue the same friend-like relationship with her but it eventually broke down. We still talk on occassions but nothing quite like before.

Hmmm... Gin, then get into a fight with a stranger, run before police get involved, more gin, another fight, then a deep sleep, but that's how I react now. Back a few years ago I would just shrug it off and feel sorry for myself. I think I just had enough of that that I just kinda snapped a little and started to be a dick to get the disappointment out with violence. By the way, I don't always win the fights, I'm not saying that I'm especially good at fighting, nor am I saying that this is at all healthy (to say the least I've had to reset my nose after being broken on a barstool twice that I remember). I seldom get rejected though, probably because I really only went after one girl 100%, and she has me lodged firmly in the friend-zone for the past 9 years.
Well...I kinda share my account with my kid (rlx he is 18) and he dindt even kissed yet but got rejected 9 freakin times(thats what he says) but anyways i dont wanna expose too much of my life nor his but im kinda know how he feels im 38 and by what i remeber i only dated 4 and got rejected more times that i could care about...But like most people said just try to forget,ignore it,maybe fap out your frustation(thats how i end up here=D),cry,who cares?As long you get up no matter what shit life throws at you,just see good things of it,learn your mistakes so that they dont happen it again.U got rejected and is depressed?Well welcome aboard then tahts how true men are they get punched,kicked around even mentaly stabbed(or even in my case got an uppercut by some1 i liked in middle school) but they have to handle till the end so u can look back and see how hard it was to get where u are and be grateful for it.Anyways i guess tahts enough with the speech and being gloomy but i just wanted to share my thinking about rejection for him.Now about my opinion about rejection in my own experience is yes it does hurt at beggining but u get used to it.Thats the end of it hope that it gave some confidence for those that are reading this and feel bad.
It depends on what do you want from the person, or even what are you doing/building with this person.

I got two timed once, then I asked to choose and became the (r)ejected one. It hurt like hell because I was the first arrived (two years and half ago versus two weeks) but time does not ensure your relation would be safe for ever, even the most important one.

Ironically that ex-partner called me years later, full of regrets and all, wanting to restart together... Too much time/years had passed since we broken, I couldn't return and live in a make-believe as if it was a temporary mistake, some accident on the road of our lives...

That is to say... Yeah... Being rejected might even change your life...
I don't feel anything because I never get rejected.

I've been rejected a couple of times..... I was not happy, but I would get mad/sad for a little bit and then just move on. My motto for life is, "things happen for a reason" so in this sense, it just wasn't meant to be.
I've been rejected a bunch of times, but it's really helped make me stronger. Looking back on it, I'm happy that the times I were rejected happened as much as it hurt because it's given me the most valuable gift of all- knowledge and experience.

I was usually hurt upon first being rejected, but I usually get over it after a few days. The remedy to a past love is a new love. :-)))
I dunno, awkward mostly? If it was just a crush i wouldn't really care, in fact i could easily stay friends with the person in question without feeling discomfort (happened to me plenty of times), but if there were serious feels involved, then id just be like, ok.... dont wanna stick around and watch you get banged by someone else, so ill just go and quietly fap in my room...
I've never been rejected, but honestly I've never really put myself out there.

I've been with my first real boyfriend for 10 years and married him. D:
I felt bad enough not to put myself out there again. Never tell a guy you like them..again.
Hyatt wrote...
I've never been rejected, but honestly I've never really put myself out there.

I've been with my first real boyfriend for 10 years and married him. D:

^ Sound awesome. y u make sad face if all is good?

Potadotss wrote...
I felt bad enough not to put myself out there again. Never tell a guy you like them..again.

^ Lol, owned
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