Haru's graphics shop: Open

Yo thanks Yama, but that's no true at all :3
i just practice a lot and follow some tutorial
and once i learn, i improvise
The blending is good but the text needs a little work. Some of them don't have any depth or flow.
The third one has a nice 'flow' to it as the arms kind of move in that direction.
Talent is well shown~
Dragonzors wrote...
The blending is good but the text needs a little work. Some of them don't have any depth or flow.
The third one has a nice 'flow' to it as the arms kind of move in that direction.

Yes i know that, it's my weak point.
I'm trying to improve exercising a lot more with the text lately

Black*star16 wrote...
Talent is well shown~

thank you :)

so today gonna post one

Forum Image: http://i586.photobucket.com/albums/ss306/sunnyral/konpakuyoumusign.png
i'm uncertain whether to leave the text or remove it :|
Dang, those are great. Props.
Hello again.
After a break lasted about a month and a half i'm back again
Well it's not like i didn't use PS for all this time, i use it when i was in the right mood and totally inspired
So here's the result of those moments

Forum Image: http://i586.photobucket.com/albums/ss306/sunnyral/dicegirlssign.png

Forum Image: http://i586.photobucket.com/albums/ss306/sunnyral/touwaeriosign.png

Forum Image: http://i586.photobucket.com/albums/ss306/sunnyral/renderoftheweek3.png

Forum Image: http://i586.photobucket.com/albums/ss306/sunnyral/Hiranosign.png
i really enjoyed doing this ^^

Forum Image: http://i586.photobucket.com/albums/ss306/sunnyral/eikisign.png

Also if someone got any request please use this module

Kind of work: Specify the type of the work you want.Signature, avatar, icon or set(avatar + sign)
Size of the work: Es. 380x130
Pics to use: Link a picture you would like me to use or insert name of a character
Text to add: "Type text you want in"

Add it on the 1st page too
All of these are epic, totally better than mine. How did you do this? T_T
If you wish i'll give you a psd of mine cause i think that will be a good way of learn thing (i learn some that way too)
only that i'll take a lot of time for me to upload it (cause my connection it's not that good) ecxept sometimes
Good work, but i think you should be trying something different now. Gimmie that Erio Touwas signature psd and i'll show you some things you could do to improve it ;D
Yeah sure, when i'll have some time i'll upload it.
Well, I do have a request, but it's somewhat elaborate
Well, go ahead and describe it
Are you still taking requests?
Yes i do, how can i help you?
Unos wrote...
Can I request again as well?

Of course, go ahead
Haru you're wonderful~
Unos wrote...

And here your request is ready, my choice falls on Sena.

Forum Image: http://i586.photobucket.com/albums/ss306/sunnyral/senasign.png

ask for any changes you want.
Hello Harune, you do take on request for sigs am I right? Don't worry, No rush at all. I can wait.

May I request for a 340x140 sig of Yami/Konjiki no Yami.
And put my name somewhere the sig that fits it, I prefer a font, that is small, that blends with the theme of the sig.
I'll leave choice of image to you or would it be easier if I provide it myself?
Hi. I've seen a lot of sig makers here and there, and you make a decent, good one.
Can I, uhmmm... ask you to make mine?.
If you allow, here's the pict

Thank you.
Requests taken.

Arararara wrote...
I'll leave choice of image to you or would it be easier if I provide it myself?

Unless you have a particular pic you'd like me to use, it's not necessary.