Have you ever been in a romantic relationship with someone you met online?

Have you ever been in a romantic relationship with someone you met online?

Total Votes : 3,596
Have you ever been in a romantic relationship with someone you met online? How'd it go?

That would be a funny story. I have but I dont want to talk about it. It ended badly, really badly.
there was no "no and never tried" so troll answer
I have actually. Lasted about for a year and a half. We still talk pretty occasionally.
guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
I cant be in a relationship, becauz I have a stalking perk on my belt
no, but there was this one girl who was showing all the signs that she liked me. she was walking with me after school, held my arm one time and complimented me on how big it was even though i was still skinny, laughed at my jokes, and even called me first. but i was such an idiot and really shy that i didnt pay attention to it but i got no regrets cause the time wasnt right for me and i got FAKKU!! Yeah!!
[size=12]Yes I have met a girl online,and we're still together. :D[/h]
i have met a girl online but it didn't last long and she ened up with another asshole :/
No but I tried then I found FAKKU! And then I lost interest in real women though I still don't mind dating.
Toble007 wrote...
there was no "no and never tried" so troll answer
I tried, it lasted 4 years, then she started to feel and distant and never tried to actually make it work. hell I even went to see her, she was about 8 hours away but the trip was worth it. but like I said she started to mess things up by making me feel like I'm shit and never talking to me. so i pulled the plug. Best thing I ever did.
Oh yes I have been in a romantic relationship with someone I met online. And we are still together actually. I tried online dating a few times before meeting the guy I am with right now but those did not work out so well. And after the last one I promised myself I would not do it ever again since it did not work in the past. Then along came my current boyfriend treating me all nice and flirting with me and stuff. When we first started talking we had some things in common but there were some huge differences.Then we found out we lived in the same state and decided to meet. It was awesome. Now we have been together for almost 6 years.Time sure flies when you are having fun. And thankfully my boyfriend is just as pervy as I am. He introduced me to fakku.net.Without him I would be without this website and that would make me a sad panda.
I met this chick on vacation once and tried to flirt and get a relationship going over Facebook n xbl n such. After like a year I finally gave up and straight up told her I liked her and she turned out to be one of those super-platonic, bible-toting, "no relationship until marriage" girls. Fuck me... That was a year of my Internet life wasted on one of the few women on the planet that are actually like that. Why can't life work out like a good tsundere manga...

Edit: I mentioned this in a reply to a reply of this: All of that ^ plus the fact that she lived 400 miles up-state made her forcefully friend-zone me.
I've been with my fiance for four years; we've been engaged for a little more than a year now. I feel like the happiest woman alive~

And I find this poll ironic because I just ended a Skype call with him about an hour ago~!
I keep the internet and my personal life apart.
But i do have some female friends. But we don't have a relationship together at least not romantic.
Tried, didn't work out. Now I'm forever alone.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Cpl. Nyu wrote...
Tried, didn't work out. Now I'm forever alone.

Same here. Well, worked for a few years and even visited her once, but it still fell apart...
I've never been in a relationship, much less one online.

Also, I would never start one online, IMHO it just feels... wrong. =(
Nope. I don't believe in online-relationships.
Monster Girl
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