Have you ever been to an erotic massage parlor?

The first time was at an erotic massage parlor when I was 22 after going though all of school with no action. It was my best option. I go to one every couple months now.
Yes actually. Once. It's a pretty expensive habit to have so I haven't gone back yet. first time there i was very nervous but I did get a handjob. Funny how basically they give you a subtle opportunity to touch them and if you go for it, they know you're down for "more"
no but I want to
No, but down to try.
I have not, but curious about it.
One of my buddies was like "Lets go get a message", we went to a place, he didn't tell me it was that type of place, when she asked I said no because I'm not paying someone $50 to jerk me of when I can do it my self for free at home. Was actually surprised she asked, but she probably just assumed because that's how my buddy was and I'm sure he was a regular.
I’ve frequented the same parkour about once every two months. The Mama-San recognizes me now and generally gives me a few light bonuses and leeway. Namely the table showers don’t count toward my time limit anymore, which is nice since those are pretty necessary and eat up a good chunk of time.
Haven't, but seen some around town
Oh yeah, I've been to one a while back. Can't say it's something I do regularly 'cause, you know, it can get pretty pricey. But yeah, my first time was quite the experience. Was pretty nervous walking in, not knowing exactly what to expect. Ended up getting more than just a regular massage if you catch my drift. They had this moment, kinda subtle, where it felt like they were gauging if I was up for more, and well, I guess I was. Ended up trying a prostate massager for the first time there. Definitely an eye-opener. But yeah, haven't made it a habit. It's more like a once-in-a-blue-moon kind of deal for me.