Have you ever had braces?

Have you ever had braces or any other orthodontic devices in your mouth for periods of time?

Total Votes : 156
I am having em on right now. D:

Nope never.

Interesting fact: I have no wisdom teeth and will never grow one.

The dentist described that if my teeth were perfectly white (they are considered white, dirty white >.>), it would be one of the best set of teeth he has seen in over 20 years.

Milk helps.
Nope, I nearly had to once but then it was never spoken of again.
I had them for 2 years and I still have scars in my mouth
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Don't know if I've said so, but no, never needed them.
The orthodontist said I didn't need them, but my mom disagreed. So I got them. For two years.

Honestly, it stopped being so annoying a few months in.
Every time I go to a dentist, they talk for 20 minutes or more about how perfect my teeth are.
Braces, expander, and retainer when I was younger. Oh and because of the processes that occurred during my treatment I developed TMJD and had to go through various fiberotomies.
I need to wear them, soon i will probably get them this year. Before, when i was a kid, we could never afford to get them, but now our standard of living has risen dramatically, so they are a easy option to get now. A lot of girls i know love braces so i don't see it as a bad option other than having to take extra care of my teeth.
Nope never needed them, my teeth are relatively straight. Although i doubt that i'd have gotten them even if i had needed them...
My teeth are good.I never needed braces. My sister did though.
Never needed them. I always took care of myself.
Never did. Maybe I should have. At least one of my teeth is a bit misaligned.
Got my braces off around 2 weeks ago.
Never had them but apparently I was supposed to when I was young. My previous dentist just pulled out some of my teeth instead of recommending braces, which was a big mistake. I don't think I'll get them though, it's kind of late now and there's no guarantee that it will actually correct my bite.
I had braces for 2 years and after I got them I thought "I can do this, my mouth doesn't hurt, I don't know why people complain about this!" So later that day my family was celebrating my uncle's birthday, and of course we had cake. It was Publix brand as well so it was pretty good. So I got my dinner and ate it with only a small amount of pain. But, when cake time came, it was the worst experience of my life. If the fork touched my braces my teeth hurt, if the cake touched my teeth they hurt, when my teeth came together to chew it hurt. So, from that experience I learned to swallow any form of food to minimize the pain (almost choked a handful of times).
No but i wish i did when i was younger, my teeth are straight but there are a few that are a little out of line with the others.
Never needed them never had any cavities either. I did have a chipped one repaired and that was a pain in the ass, I had to eat with the side o my mouth for a month.
Monster Girl
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