Have you guys been bullied?

I was bullied all through out elementary and through high school...kind why I have a short fuse to my temper now adays.
Meh, only in elementary. Got shot with airsoft guns by a group of middle schoolers on the way home from school. I laugh when I think about it now since the reason why I got shot by them for several weeks was because I always took the same route home. hahahah
I got bullied BAD when I was little, seems like a long time ago now but I feel its hard to think about myself without it. Because of it though, I'm kind and I learned martial arts to make sure it never happened to someone else.
Middle-school to high-school. Being a minority is one thing, but to be one with an extraordinarily furious temper is another. I was a feast for a while until I started getting anime-gutsy, drawing attention to myself and forcing the school to use their administrative powers to keep me from getting my ass kicked.
Solidus1337 wrote...
Been bullied all of middle school, I was smaller than everyone else and quieter so I was a big target, got beat up or made fun of everyday of middle school. Fortunately high school right now is going better.

futafapper wrote...
Solidus1337 wrote...
Been bullied all of middle school, I was smaller than everyone else and quieter so I was a big target, got beat up or made fun of everyday of middle school. Fortunately high school right now is going better.

LoL underaged = ban...
People have tried....they all failed though.
I was bullied throughout elementary and middle school for being Chinese, but after I got into highschool, the bullying stopped. Partially because the bullies failed middleschool and because people learned bullying will get your neck snapped~
well being a 6"2 and black in amostly white school ive never been bullyed. Yea i got flashed looks and called a monster but other then that no
I was a serious problem child in elementary school, so I got avoided like the plague. When I first moved schools before 5th grade, I got bullied for a little while. Apparently a reputation for beating the shit out of a kid follows you through middle and high school. I got left alone after that.
When I was in primary 1 and 2 I got bullied a lot so many people bullied me the whole school was bulling me even had some secondaries bullying me. I would even get jumped right in front of my parents. It must of been some whooping cause I don't remember the worst stuff that my mum told me about.

I do remember fighting back against some bullies. There was this one guy that was a few years older than me when he went for a piss I pulled his pants up and smacked his head across the urinal I don't remember if I got in trouble for it or not. Then there was this other guy that tripped me up and I was gushing a lot of blood was kicking me I remember fighting back but I remember me getting in trouble for it though because of health and safety because the other guy was covered in my blood he was for some reason the victim.
i was yes then i kicked the guy in the balls so hard i heard one pop so i was never bullied after that
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
The most blatant bullying I can remember is back in middle school. An upperclassman would tackle me whenever I was walking home from school. The guy was 3 times bigger than me, so of course I tried to run. Sometimes he'd catch me, other times he wouldn't. This went on for about 3-5 days. Then one day I just said "fuck it" and stood there so he can get it over with. For some reason he stopped, and walked away laughing. He never did again.

Other than that, most of my peers respected me. Although I was given the nickname "Blankman" in highschool. I'm still not sure whether it was because I was the quietest kid in class, or because I looked like Daemon Wayans (Probably both).
No, never.

But after reading most if these posts I feel sympathy for the ones who have.
I was bullied alot in middle school even attempted suicide once figured id roll the dice once more and hope it doesn't come up with snake eyes again. but then i realized suicide was the cowards way out so the next day i approached the bully a man almost a foot taller than me and told him how much of a low life he was after which he slugged me and after that i forgot what else happened. but when i came to he was at my feet sobbing and his face was almost unrecognizable. turns out when you break the jaw nose and 3 of the ribs of someone larger than you nobody wants to mess with you after that. naturally they where going to charge me with assault but the judge considered it self defense but as penalty for the excessive nature of my actions i got a year of probation.
Sneakyone wrote...
I was bullied, but then we became friends after the police got involved, its a long story =3

Tell it! =D lol
twistedknightmare wrote...
Sneakyone wrote...
I was bullied, but then we became friends after the police got involved, its a long story =3

Tell it! =D lol

This kid was being a dick to me in middle school, so I threatened him and eventually the police got involved. Our parents talked eventually we just became friends, thats about all that happened, it was kind of weird really.
Yes, I was bullied a lot growing up by both genders. My hatred of people grew from that.
I find it funny to see people telling about their past. And how my thread is still active.
I've been bullied in my grade school days just because I'm too kind to ignore requests(or more like orders) but ever since that one-of-a-kind incident I became elusive and learned how to fight back. I've gained new friends who respect me and because of that and my life have changed.
Monster Girl
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