HDD's lifespan

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darknessblade wrote...
i had an 1 gb memory stick 2-3 years long and not even a single corrupt file
only thing that happened was tha the usb plug broke from the motherboard (little)
usb sticks last about 5 years had one but perfect state but doesnt load anything now

I accidently left my 2GB flash in my jeans when I proceeded to wash them. Works fine without a single fault.

Quick Q. Will HDDs' overheat and blow up (not literally)?
Flaser OCD Hentai Collector
1. Install Total Commander, start it.
2. Navigate to the folder where your files are and select them.
3. Create an SFV file.

4. Have your friend do the same and compare the hashes. If they match, the files are intact, if not the ones with a mismatched hash are damaged.
Hdd can over heat and/or spin so fast that they can shatter.
Some viruses can do this or shorts in the wiring.
animefreak_usa wrote...
Hdd can over heat and/or spin so fast that they can shatter.
Some viruses can do this or shorts in the wiring.

If I'm not wrong, I copied this from my friend's CD.
Forum Image: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/392259_289924047717736_100001004283793_823121_710068194_n.jpg
Flaser OCD Hentai Collector
animefreak_usa wrote...
Hdd can over heat and/or spin so fast that they can shatter.
Some viruses can do this or shorts in the wiring.

HDDs indeed don't like excessive heat, but unless you have a pretty old case (like I do), the ventilation of the case tends to keep in things in line. The part about "spinning fast" though is pure BS... and I tentatively call the same on virii doing it either.

You'd need some pretty involved virus that directly sends ATAPI/ASPI commands to the drive and even then I kinda doubt any competent firmware would let you ruin your drive.
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