Hershey's Bars

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Break them in sections or just bite into them?

Total Votes : 55
Askinosi > all others

But it is super dark so you face to eat it really slow
Iamnotchrishansen wrote...
DSA, where's the make s'mores option?

S'mores would constitute either making one large S'more with the entire bar of chocolate A.K.A. biting, or breaking it into pieces to make smaller and more manageable S'mores. Take your pick.

atomsk434 wrote...
super dark

atomsk434 wrote...
really slow

Are you implying that I'm really retarded and super black?
it's become a hobby of mine to break chocolate bars into small bits since I eat small amounts of chocolate each day.

PS: fuck milk chocolate. I eat DARK chocolate
Melt it and drink.
tswarthog The Iconoclast
I like to eat chocolate with flavor, however if push came to shove and I had to eat one I would break it into parts.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I wish there was an option for "bite&break", because that's what happens for me. I bite into it and it breaks off into rows.
atomsk434 wrote...
super dark

atomsk434 wrote...
really slow

Are you implying that I'm really retarded and super black?

No the chocolate that I get from them is 70-77% cocoa so it is rich and you have to eat it really slowly or it is just to rich. Autocorrect made the sentence unreadable!

Askinosie Davao Philippines is my personal favorite
I always break off pieces of chocolate bars, even if it isn't conveniently designed to.
I don't eat chocolate like before.
but If I would eat Hershey's I would probably break it.
Break then toss into my mouth, savoring its taste while it melts inside.
I do both, it just depends on my mood.
Mod Note: Topic has been moved from Random to the Food and Cooking section.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Getting back on topic, I usually break them. Bears are unable to consume too much chocolate at one go.
Definitely bite into them. Taste better that way, i guess.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I don't eat Hershey's Bars because we don't have them over here.

But Chocolate bars in general, I break off and eat it. Sometimes I break them while they're in the packet, unopened, by "bending" them along the creases. So when I open the packet it's pre-broken and much easier to snack on. But they disappear faster that way for some reason. *stares around*
zeroniv_legend wrote...
Melt it and drink.

Damn I love doing this. I should have put this there too...
ßwhats so different about Hershey's Bars then usual bars like milka for example?
Gravity cat wrote...
I don't eat Hershey's Bars because we don't have them over here.

But Chocolate bars in general, I break off and eat it. Sometimes I break them while they're in the packet, unopened, by "bending" them along the creases. So when I open the packet it's pre-broken and much easier to snack on. But they disappear faster that way for some reason. *stares around*

That's the pro way to do it.
I don't eat Hershey's mainly because they suck. I break all other chocolate bars though.
I melt it and drink it.
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