How do you celebrate Halloween?

How do you celebrate Halloween?

Total Votes : 3,744
Nikon FAKKU Old Guard

Happy Halloween! Be safe~!
Well i am too old to trick or treat but i still eat candy, and i have no interest in parties, except in gaming, and i can't say that its just any night. so other.
I usually just stay at home and pass out candy. It's actually quite fun seeing all the little kids costume (Although most of them are not that scary.)
So far nobody found the hidden candy inside my Prinny Pumpkin :(
I spent all night playing LoL with some buddy's xD One hell of a night
I only went trick or treating a few times when i was kid, but now i just see it as a regular night. I may sometimes celebrate it by just ordering pizzing and looking at movies. Halloween isnt much of a holiday anyway.
I don't do anything for Halloween since I'm too old for trick-or-treating, don't like parties, and am too cheap to buy candy to give out. I don't even decorate because I don't like doing it or cleaning up afterward.
We dont celebrate halloween in our country, so yeah.
I'm always end up hanging out with my friends or going to a zombie walk event.
I don't celebrate Halloween. It's just not much of a holiday where I live. You read about it on the internet and the news makes mention of it, but nobody really seems to care about it.
I used to go trick or treating when I was younger, and Halloween was a favorite in my household. However, the past two years Halloween has pretty much been canceled because of the hurricanes. I still eat lots of candy anyways.
I think that Halloween is just another excuse to go out partying :/ ...
I did my party last weekend. Tonight, Halloween itself, was business as usual. I'll see if I can end up at a party again this Friday.
Where is the " celebrating halloween on fakku fappin' " option? LOL
Lagwagon. Fuck yeah.
I hid in the bush at the frount of the house with a bb gun shotgun, water hose, and a bat and wait for the trickers. Got 4 of them this year :D
I worked on Halloween but I dressed up as a Lumber Jack. Wasn't gonna let work ruin my Halloween.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
where i live no one care's if your over 18 a lot see it as your never to old for free candy. so guy's who are like 24 years old go out a lot hell my bro stop go out a year ago and he's 21 and we don't have a lot of kid's where i live we get like 15 kid's a year back in from like 2003 to 2006 it was like 50 to 75+ kid's a year for the bad one's a good one was like 80 to 100 kid's. but yes i go out and get some free candy and come back to the house to scary movies on like AMC.
On Halloween I basically waste time doing the things that i truly enjoy until i realize i have this essay due tomorrow....then i hope that there will be a glitch in the matrix where there is no essay. :D
Just watched Face/Off finale with friends, now gonna watch some anime before calling it quits. Booyah.
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