How do you deal with feeling depressed?

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Whenever I get depressed I remind myself that, If I ever kill/harm myself, I'll be proving all the naysayers throughout my life right. All the Bullies, Haters, and Idiots. That tends to get me pumped up. I'm stubborn like that.
Meds. And somthing that you want to get up each day to do
I have struggled with depression for a very long time. One day I finally managed to work up the courage and motivation to put myself in therapy. It has been a year now, and I've noticed tremendous improvement. I still have my bad days, but for the most part I feel okay most of the time instead of suicidal. I am also on medication, Celexa, it is a very gradual assistance meant to be supplementary to therapy.
When dealing with depression, I always think of my Mom's words: "It will come to pass", 'cause to me it meant that the emotional/mental pain is temporary and it will be fine. Then I try to breathe slowly for 5 minutes, or maybe drink some tea to calm down. Hope this helps :)
Power-Senpai This is very custom.
I don't really feel like it's something i can just deal with personally speaking. What i do though is to try to be confident and be myself, and keep pushing to make sure i have a job and future, and hope for something to change. Maybe trying to find something i value i guess? Like a girlfriend or something.
Depression is treated as an illness, as if something's wrong with you, when it's just the natural state you reach when you bottle up your emotions for too long, or you feel as if some of the lies you're told about yourself are true.

I may only be 22, and some would say I'd have no reason to have developed depression, but if you bottled up every negative emotion for years, only releasing small fragments of them under extreme duress, then you're gonna have a bad time.
Doing this can lead to things that didn't used to set you off cause you to blow up at whoever's nearby, causing you to hate yourself for getting angry, but getting angry over how much you hate yourself, causing an infinite spiral of depression.
It ends up making you wonder why you exist, why you cause everyone you love so much pain and sorrow, why you haven't just ended their suffering by taking yourself out of the picture.
Yet, when you finally set your mind to do it, nothing happens.

The gun in your mouth jams after pulling the trigger, even after you cleaned it thoroughly and replaced the rounds.

The rope or branch snaps, even if it was brand new or previously holding something heavier than you.

You pass out before being able to strangle yourself.

Your blood coagulates before you can bleed out.

The sharpest knife you have can't pierce your sternum and the smallest can't fit between your ribs.

You ingest toxic chemicals and just end up with food poisoning.

You piss off three different kinds of deadly spiders, then become immune to their venom.

You try to die by every means you can think of, yet something always foils your plans.
I guess you could say I'm getting just what a monster like me deserves: my own living hell.

There's plenty of women who don't care if you're depressed, yet only a few are willing to truly listen, but if you're the type who believes doing so would only be a burden to them, then you can understand how a guy like me ends up losing every gal I fall for.
What's the point of letting someone love you, if all you're going to be is a burden, whether they disagree with you or not?
Pushing away those you love is hard, but letting them see the monster you truly are is even harder.

I know what I'm about to say is hypocritical, but, even though it's failed me in the past, it may help someone else.
You need to trust them enough to show your darker side.
Just believe that they'll accept all of you and love you for who you are, and you should be fine.
xihiroix Sun Worshipper
As someone who lived with a parent with severe clinical depression for many years, my suggestion would be to see a doctor to determine what kind of depression you actually have. There are forms of depression, including clinical depression, which require medication to counteract the persistent state of negativity and feelings of worthlessness. It is a struggle to work through, but there is help for you out there in the forms of counseling, medication, and support groups. I am sure you can get through this. :)
Coming from a person who has been depressed for years now. Some of the things I do is hang out with friends go on walks watch something that makes me laugh listen to music. Really you just gotta keep your mind occupied away from those thoughts. It's a conflict that yourself is making and you have to break through it.
CronaBaka Mellow Yellow
I just watch TV.
Hmm, well when I am depressed, I mostly go out and help other people with their problems. It makes me feel at ease. I am a good listener and adviser, you can talk to me. I might help you to cheer you up :)
Gravity cat the adequately amused
AdminZer0 wrote...
Hmm, well when I am depressed, I mostly go out and help other people with their problems. It makes me feel at ease. I am a good listener and adviser, you can talk to me. I might help you to cheer you up :)

Their last post was 25th November 2015. Unless they're simply lurking it's unlikely they will anytime soon.
Honestly, when I've had those moments of depression I remind myself that I still have things to live for. It also helps to immerse myself in something, usually anime or video games. I also tend to watch a lot of funny things that would help me cheer up and laugh, like a really funny youtube video or a really funny tv show. What really helps is when I talk to my friends, we always end up laughing about things and it helps me smile again.
Im interested in this subject as a topic I'd like to understand for a friends sake. Im usually bursting with postivity and joy that I cannot comprehend these deep sad feelings that people explain it as.

Even if I understood it which in whatever terms someone uses I would most want to know what to say or how to act towards someone with this affliction. Im worried though she passed the hurdle years ago I wont be so naive as to say its completely gone for her... I just want to be a good friend.

Oh no this was an old post??? Damnit.
Rather than "understand depression", should you wish to help a (diagnosed?) depressed friend, you may want them to return to a healthier condition.

In that aspect, there is a good part and a fool part. Good part is keeping social relation with your friend because socializing is crucial in depression syndrom. Fool part is double : either you yourself get badly influenced and things can waver if not messed up because of your friend trouble ; or you unwillingly might make your friend feel even worse, because you too are human and so mistakes may/will happen. It's a very delicate balance that can waver in the blink of an eye.

My piece of advice would be to act normal as much as possible, to help your friend to situate things, circumstance, people, etc, because sometimes the depression blurs perceptions and reflections. Rather than "understanding" your friend depressed/messed perceptions, try in a very kind way to share your own perceptions with them. Bit by bit, day by day, discuss with them about your own perceptions when your friend appears to take things in a depressed/messed way ; and is possible try to discuss other people possible peceptions, always in a very kind selfless way. You won't be their only light in the night, you shouldn't be that. But in a similar way than lighthouse, you may help your friend "from afar", not being depressed yourself but still helping them to situate themself on their recovery journey. That would be what is "just" needed from you as a caring fellow :)
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I don't give my self time to be depressed. I always immerse myself with something to do. ATM, writing my video script, work, Translating manga and making solar panels take up most of my time. When I'm not doing any of those, I play video games, fap to porn/hentai, check up on forums and read anime/manga/LNs (I need to make a schedule tbh). If even that isn't enough to keep me from getting depressed, I exercise, write down my thought in a notebook, take a long hot shower and/or meditate. I think keeping a healthy diet also contributes to thinking in an upbeat mood. Its been years since I've been severely depressed, and that was because 1.I stopped taking my medications and 2. I wasn't really doing anything with my life.

If keeping busy, exercising and eating healthy is something you're already trying (or not for you, the first two should be what everyone does though), then build social relationships with people. Talk to a therapist if you really have to.
I just talk down and look down at strangers irl and look up edgy stuff on the internet. Kept me alive so far, thank jeebus for the internet.
For me it helped with talking to peopel and just trying to make others life more positive
For me i tend to listen to and do things i enjoy. I listen to alot of lofi music, and ill hit the gym. I mean even getting crushed in league tends to make me laugh.

Sometimes a good walk helps mend my mind even if its like 110 degrees out it all helps. OH oh oh a nice warm shower or bath goes a long way for me also.
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